Chapter 2: The metropolis dream

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Clark woke up in a tube made of glass. It was so bright outside of the tube. He coughs and tried to see himself around, but it was too bright, he could just see silhouettes and voices.

"What happened? Why can't I see you all" Clark asked and closed his eyes.

"Wait some seconds. It's some side effects from the tube" a familiar voice said. Some seconds went and the surroundings became more easier to see. Right forward him stood Silas Stone and Garrison Slate.

"Garrison is it you" Clark asked and put on his glasses which was on his right side. Garrison nodded with his arm's crossed.

"Yeah, it's me, in the flesh" Garrison answered while he put himself down on a chair. Clark looked confused.

"How long have I been out, because last time we talked, was you in Central City?" Clark said. Garrison drunk from the paper mug. The mug was addressed, Big Belly burger.

"12 hours, Silas called me about someone trying to kill you, which I took very serious. I took the latest plane and placed Christina McGee in Central city. Silas told me everything. We need to find this android fast, because your blood could be in very dangerous hands" Garrisons finished with throwing the paper mug into a trash can. Clark thought back to the metallic robot that hit him.

"And we don't know who's behind this" Clark asked Garrison. Silas turned around to the computer. He clicket on a map called, surveillance and then on the days date.

"We have no clue, this android could have been Stagg's, Edge or even Wayne" Garrison commented. Silas scrolled to the time the android attacked and noticed a logo. A logo that assembled a green hexagon with a triangular L on it.

"You forgot one Garrison, one who lives in the same neighborhood. Lex Luthor" Silas showed them the computer screen. Garrison and Clark looked carefully on the LexCorp logo.

"That son of a bitch" Garrison said high for himself. Clark had thousands of times tried to find an excuse for investigate Luthor, and here it was, right before his eyes.

"I need to go; I am needed at the planet. But if anything comes up, CALL me" Clark said and rushed off to the Daily Planet.

Lex Luthor stood in his private laboratory with the tube of blood from superman in his left hand. He opened the tube carefully and placed a pipette in the tube and filled it up a tenth. He then placed the blood on the slide and then laid a coverslip. Lex then placed the preparation in the microscope. He became so fascinated, it may be alien, but it was really like the human's blood and it's DNA structure. Lex had hoped to find out who Superman was by searching the DNA thru the medical databank but a big DNA change like this, should have been found. At the same time Lex looked at the blood, an incoming call went thru the speakers.

"Mr. Luthor, Ms. Graves is searching for you" Lex sight. Lex had told Mercy that he didn't need a bodyguard, yet. She had been tried to apply for some time. He left the microscope and went to the speakerphone and pressed on the red button.

"Tell her that I am occupied for the moment" Lex told the secretary and then went back to his work, but he wasn't that good with blood and wanted some input from an old friend in Central city.

The elevator doors opened, and Clark went thru and walked besides Perry Whites office and Lois workspace and went to the business Interviewer and gossip Journalist Catharine Grant. She had recently done an interview about Lex Luthor.

"Hello Mrs. Grant, could I talk with you for a second" Clark asked politely. Grant hold up her hand at the same time she wrote. He waited patiently for Grant to finish. Clark hadn't really talked to Mrs. Grant so much, but what Jimmy said yesterday, she wanted to speak with him about the prankster.

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