Chapter 3: Mr. Superman

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Metallo drugged the metal door away from where it stood. Some of the wall even followed. Places like Stagg industries have one of the best securities in world. Ahead of Metallo, four armed guards appeared, ready to take the threat out, but they didn't count on that a super metallic robot, armed with kryptonite and would break into a highly classified science facility like Staggs.

"Stay where you are" one of the guards shouted. Metallo identified the man In front. His name was Henry Reeves. The guard swallowed. He could feel that something will go terribly wrong.

"Henry Reeves, former guard at LexCorp. Left... from unknown circumstances" Metallo said highly with his robotic voice. He walked slowly against Henry, he looked him in the eyes. The three guard around Henry didn't lower the gun's, they stood with their weapons high. "Tell me, Henry Reeves, why did you leave". Henry became paralyzed of Metalloes eyes. He couldn't resist.

"I... I discovered... the truth" Reeves said. The guards looked unsure of what to do at Henry and Metallo. "The truth about... the star..." Henry couldn't finish the sentence before getting Metalloes green kryptonite beam right through him. The guard's begun to shoot but they had no chance, no chance against the android. But right before Metallo engage an attack on the guard's, the roof begun to crumble and right over them was Superman. He landed 10 meters away from Metallo and shoot a laser beam right on him.

"You and I have unfinished business" Superman said while flying the three guard's out of the building, so no one would get hurt. When Superman returned, had Metallo just found a blueprint.

"You alien can't win. My master will achieve greatness" Metallo said while burning the blueprint up.

"Do you serve Lex Luthor" Superman asked while he looked at the burning paper that fell to the ground. Metallo became quiet.

"No, I only serve the mockingbird" Metallo said before shooting a kryptonite shot on Superman and jumped away. Superman raised up but found out that he couldn't fly. Must be from the kryptonite shoot.

When Clark arrived at the crime scene at Stagg industries some hours later, was nearly the whole facility behind fence 'with police and forensics running around. Clark took some photos and tried to find the police commissioner, William Henderson. One of the police officers protecting the fence noticed Clark's eager of photograph the crime scene.

"Dude, this is a restricted area. Come back when we have done our jobs" the man says loudly. Clark smiled at the officer that haven't realized that the commissioner stood right behind him.

"It's okay officer, Clark have permission to photograph" Henderson said and walked past the officer and right to Clark.

"William Henderson, it's been awhile" Clark said and shake his hand. William smiled.

"Yeah, the crime rate has never been lower, thanks to you" William said quiet so no one would hear. Commissioner Henderson have known that Clark is Superman for one year after he moved to Metropolis. He seamed as a solid and protective guy that really cared for this city. Police have over time grew stronger and more connected to the people. But it isn't always so.

"So, I have scanned the place and just some kryptonite radiation, in this amount is it not harmful for humans" Clark said and looked around the place. Henderson nodded along.

"Okay, I have a plenty of information for you" William said and showed him some papers. Clark read through them at super speed.

"Okay, so the blueprint the android stole was for a centrifugal device" Clark said. Something didn't add up. Why would Lex steal blueprint's for a centrifuge?

"Yeah, I don't know the science behind it, but it seemed like the best one in US" William explained. Clark then remembered the man that got killed.

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