last dance. 9/13/20

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i always wanted to dance with you in the prom,
remember my poem? about how i described you as my mademoiselle?
but our worlds separate us from the simplest of details,
i am still willing to fight, yet you weren't holding my hands anymore.

even though there is no spark in your heart anymore,
i'll still lend you my hand and wait for you to dance with me,
even though you'll just dance for me with no spark,
i'll do it, for dancing with you was my childhood dream.

during the dance, i want to apologize for my immaturity,
i'm not asking you to crumple my hand nor to like me back,
i just want to hear from you that you already forgave me,
that you may be able to wipe away the tears of my heart.

now milady, dance with me to the fullest!
you were my first dance, hence now be my last,
i loved you this much, that i can't bear to dance a different girl,
so please do my beloved, please do take my hand one last time.

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