the kiosk 11/24/19

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i remember a day of december that i depreciated,
but all i see now is blurred and decayed,
limitless are my attempts trying to regain it,
yet all i receive now is guilt and regrets

i remember i was on a kiosk,
watching the clouds and hearing the birds singing,
i loved it, that i want to remain until dusk,
for i and another unknown person both sang our childhood songs

in present times, i realized,
"i should have appreciated that moment more,
for now i've been longing for a perfect moment to experience,
none of these times come back to me anymore"

now i am here, sitting beside you,
telling of what i only remember on that day,
then you replied "the skies that time are perfect blue,
for we sang our childhood songs on that very best view."

then i smiled and remembered that it was been you.

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