noelle 11/22/20

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a simple look in the mirror,
a diretide of my past whispering to my ears,
a million questions in those voices that appear,
a single frustration in my heart i always feared

i hear you explain things,
but i am deaf when it comes to reasonings,
my love, can you not speak towards my ear?
but can you atleast speak in piercing arrows that i cannot bear?

oh noelle, how can you be more mysterious,
for you said the colors of my eyes weren't really treacherous,
but you left me and shut the door without leaving a letter,
you only left me with a wave goodbye and a sad world to enter

fine, take all what you need and what you wanted,
be like everybody, i do not care, i wasn't the one you needed,
my burdened heart always wanted to hate you,
but i cannot, i cannot hate the ones i loved, i cannot hate noelle, i cannot hate you.

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