until the seizure came 11/1/20

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i met someone,
a very blissful but sad someone,
he loves videogames,
he said his heart can never be tamed.

once i saw a ruffian in him,
suddenly, now a saddened man i always see,
all wondered of his annoying sayings,
but never did anyone perceive his heart suffering.

including me, i as well wondered,
"oh filmsy one, how can you be broken heretofore?"
then finally, his heart was opened to oneself,
and as well all witnessed, crying faces of him only prevailed.

"help me, help me, my clueless friends are angry!
my mind can't think clearly as i understood things wrongly,
that is, after the seizure came, my brain was totally damaged,
i never meant to provoke, to disrespect, and to be with impatience."

"i always loved videogames,
that i still play even when it is very late,
but never did i wonder how it made me regret,
for the good high school memories i always had, were now very hard to get."

"i wanted a prom,
i wanted to dance with freedom,
but because of my seizure, i couldn't dance the ones i wanted,
and because of the pandemic, i couldn't see all my beloved."

"help me, help me, i do not understand why they're angry,
i can't think clearly, i just wanted to be happy,
but why does the world hate me that much?
for my friends, my happiness, the world took it away from me inasmuch."

"i had a million regrets,
for in the past, i was with true happiness,
that only, until the seizure came,
the world then hated me, my life became very lame."

now i am fulfilled with knowledge, with guilt,
now i plan to understand, to make him be rebuilt,
"the world never did hated you Kelvin,
the world has always been cruel anyway, just plan on how to fight it,
me and you."


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