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Wilbur was watching tommy's screen horrified, but he was even more surprised when he noticed the knife that his father was holding. Tommy's eyes widened and slowly turned to face the scary, and tall man behind him, "Y-yes sir?" The tall, but thin boy quietly said. You could tell he was scared. "TOMMY WHAT IS THAT DOWNSTAIRS? I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO WASH THE DISHES! YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT OF A KID" The father then started to violently hit tommy while yelling hurtful things at him as he cried loudly while begging him to stop. Wilbur just sat there, horrified, assuming the other two were doing the same. 


Tommy had fallen down at some point while he was getting hit mercilessly so I couldn't see him anymore, only hear his pleadings and cries. I wanted to go to his house and just save him so badly but I knew he lived two hours away, I don't wanna pressure him so ill ask him about it. I then saw tommy slowly get up. He looked like he was in pain but all I could see were a few small bruises on his face, His father wasn't abusing him a lot...right? I would hate to realize that tommy has been getting abused for all these years and I haven't even noticed much. There have been only a few times where I noticed like the splotchy concealer, The door swinging open from downstairs, faint yelling, and more. Tommy then realized he was still on the call with us and then asked, "H-how much did you g-guys hear?" His voice was so raspy from crying his eyes out. I then heard a very monotone voice speak, Techno. "A lot...Tommy what is going on?" You could hear the fear in his voice. You could tell he didn't wanna believe this was happening to a 16 year old that he deeply cared about, even if he didn't show it. "Nothing, n-nothing I swear!" We could all tell that he was lying, and about to break down if we fought with him about it. "Ok ,If you say so," Technoblade replied with a bit of worry in his voice. I privately DM'd Techno and Dream.

WilburSoot: What do we do? I can tell he will start crying if we pressure him

Dream: I'm not sure. I feel so bad for him though

Technoblade: Same, I wish there was a way we could learn more. 

Dream: Maybe we can all meet up? as an excuse to try to get him out of that hellhole for a little bit?

WilburSoot: YES! That sounds perfect.

"Hey Tommy wanna meet up with us? We were gonna ask Tubbo to and some other people," I wanted to try and break the awkward silence. "HELL YEAH!-" He then muted but forgot his camera was on. He started violently coughing, I looked closely at his neck and realized there were hand marks on his neck like someone was choking him or pinning him to something. He then unmuted, "Sorry about that, but sure ill just have to ask my..dad" He clearly never wanted to use that word to describe that man. "Alright, Ill go ask everyone else tommy, You go ask your father if u can go in about 2 days for maybe," I hesitated, ''2 weeks?" I knew we needed to get him out of there immediately but we also couldn't rush it so he didn't become suspicious of us knowing. "Y-Yeah sounds good, Ill go ask him now" You could see his hands were starting to shake and sweat. We all then left the call. Something is going on and I'm not liking it.


I had to ask my ''dad'' if I wanted to leave the house for 2 weeks, I need to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

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