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TW: ABUSE,MENTIONS OF B1AD3,MENTIONS OF DRINKING?DRUNK PERSON(?) (tell me if there are any I missed please)


He woke up in a cold sweat. It was just a dream, but it seemed so real? He picked up his phone at saw that tubbo messaged him.

Tubbo: Tommy!!! Helloooooo?

Tubbo: Are you excited for today?? :D

Tommy: Whats happening today again? I forgot.

Tubbo: You ,Me ,Technoblade ,Philza ,And Wilbur are meeting up soon today! remember?

Tommy: Oh yeah! I totally forgot lmao! i need to pack up my bags so ill be right back.

Tubbo: Alright Tommy! ttyl :)


Does that mean they know what happens? Surely not, I hope not. I open up me and Wilbur's DMs quickly, I need to know...I need answers.


Wilbur: Hey Tommy! You excited for today? I'm so glad your parents said you could.

Tommy: Yup! I'm glad too but I have a few questions.

Wilbur: Okay, ask away bud. (Its just a nickname its not suppose to be sexual wtf-)

Tommy: #1 When did we plan this and for how long, #2 Did u see or hear anything..And yeah I know it sounds weird I just wanna know, And #3 Where? I totally forgot lol.

Wilbur: We planned this 2 days ago and for 2 weeks, Nope we didn't, And in that hotel near your house! Also I'm coming to get you in an hour so you better be ready.

Tommy: Alright ill go get ready.


Thank god at least some of the dream was fake. I should go check and see if the things that he did to me were though. I went to go to the bathroom when I saw my dad. "H-hello sir.. Is there a-anything you need?" It was hard to get through that sentence without stuttering but I was able to do it. "Your leaving in an hour right?" The tall man in front of me said in a loud whisper, with his words slurring from here and there, You could tell he was drunk just by the looks of him. I felt that I couldn't speak because my throat hurt so much so I just gave him a simple nod, "Good, I wont hurt you so they wont find out..well on your face at least," He said with an devilish grin. I then felt a pair of hands punch me in the stomach and then repeatedly kick me in the stomach. Once he was done he left me there to sit. I got up and packed everything that I would need like, concealer incase i needed it, bandages, a blade, and bare necessities like clothes and hygiene products. I then put on a hoodie and sweats and checked the time, an hour has passed so I grabbed my bag and went to the mirror. I took out the concealer and a sponge I had bought for it and applied it over any bruises I had that were visible. I then check to see if Wilbur had messaged me.

Wilbur: Tommy ill be there in 10 minutes, better be ready! sent 9 minutes ago

Tommy: Sorry I didn't realize you messaged me ,I'll be right out Wilby

Wilbur: Alright, hurry up you gremlin child! :)

I giggled a tiny bit and then put my phone in my pocket, I then ran as fast as i could out the door and saw Wilbur sitting in his car, "Hop in tommy!" He said with such an enthusiastic voice, he seemed so happy to see me. I smiled at that thought and then climbed into the passengers seat while throwing my bag on the floor of the car. Wilbur had already picked up Philza and Tubbo so we started driving to the apartment.

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