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I woke up to the sound of beeping coming from my phone. I reached my arm over the sleepy tommy and turned off the alarm. I was about to get up when I remembered yesterdays events, so I slowly and carefully rolled up his sleeves. I almost cried from the sight, cuts and bruises littered his forearm. I carefully roll down his sleeves and then shake him awake. He let out a small groan and they turned away while quietly mumbling, "I don't wanna wake up yet, five more minutes," I sighed and then got out of bed. I run over to the door to get a head start and then start running at him. I launch myself into the air and land on him while giggling, "Hey man what the fuck!" He screamed but then also started giggling. I climbed off him, helped him out of bed and then headed down stairs while holding his hand. "Morning!" I said it a whispery voice. I then saw Wilbur and Phil turn their heads to face us. "Good morning you too!" They both said slightly in sync and then started giggling. I then felt tommy tap my shoulder so I turned to face him. "Yeah , Tommy?" I said while slightly whispering since the others were still asleep, "I'm gonna go shower big man, Ill be back!" I then nod and watched him run off. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Wilbur and watched him play animal crossing.


I ran to the bathroom and then closed the door behind me. I took off my hoodie to see a very skinny, sad, and torn apart boy. I then took off everything else and got into the shower. I leaned by back onto the walls and slowly slipped down until I was on the floor. I hugged my knees tight and started crying. Everything hurt. I'm so exhausted, physically and mentally. But I know I cant leave yet, I have to stay for the sake of Wilbur and Tubbo. I started washing myself. Once I was done I got out, grabbed extra bandages from the cabinet, wrapped a towel around my body and walked to my room. I then heard footsteps behind me, FUCK. "Tommy?" I heard someone call out, it was tubbo. I turn around to face him and then I see the horror on his face. I look at the direction he was looking, MY ARMS. "T-tubbo I'm s-sorry," I said in a whispery voice with tears starting to stream down my face. He then runs up to me and hugs me while crying into my shirt. "Its ok just, please talk to me before you do it again, they're all over your arms!" he then starts to cry harder so I rub circles on his back. "How about this, wait out here so i can change and then we can cuddle for a bit," I said while plastering a fake smile onto my face, "A-Alright big T," He said while sniffling and wiping away his tears. I run to my room and quickly bandage up my arms again, and then changing into a hoodie and sweatpants. I run back out and scoop tubbo up into a bridal position. I run to our room while the both of us are giggling like crazy and lightly throw him onto my bed. I then climb in and start cuddling him.

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