Chapter 5

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I found it very troubling to find my way to the dining room. The house was a bigger maze than the one from the Triwizard Tournament.

After wandering around for a while, I found the stairwell I had used when I had first arrived.
I rushed down the stairs, careful not to make too much noise, until I arrived at the bottom.

I walked calmly into what I assumed was the living room, and was happy that I hadn't walked into an argument. From what Harry said, they fought with the various Death Eaters that lounged around.

I continued my journey through the house; I was taking what I assumed was a short cut to the dining room, at least, I hope it was.

While I was walking, I was looking at all of the family portraits. I passed My grandparents, then Lucius.

I stopped abruptly when I saw the one that would hold me and Draco. Only, there was an addition of me to the painting, and no Draco.

What had Draco done to be taken out of the family photo? It probably didn't matter- they probably took a new one every Christmas.

Then I continued on, looking for the dining room I still hadn't discovered.

I was about to give up and try to re-find my room when it struck me. I was a witch. I could apparate.

Slapping a hand across my forehead, I heavily sighed. This is why you weren't put in Ravenclaw, Ginny.

I closed my eyes and thought of the words dining room. I felt the familiar pulling sensation at my navel as I re-appeared in the dining room.

My eyes immediately adjusted to the sudden light after apparation and latched onto a certain blonde.

He groaned and mumbled something to himself under his breath. I huffed in annoyance and turned to examine the rest of the room.

It wasn't so much a dining room as a entry hall. There were floor to ceiling windows on the wall infront of me which, of course, had dark green curtains over them.

There were a few tapestries on the walls on either side of the room, mostly of Narcissa and a few of her and Lucius. I think I might have even seen one of the three of them together.

Malfoy, no, Ferret, coughed lightly to regain my attention. I jerked my head toward him and glared. He didn't deserve my attention.

He rolled his eyes at me and said the first thing in our menancing silence.

"If you would like to know, your seat is across from me."

I sneered in response and stalked toward the seat he directed me to. It was as if I could feel his eyes following me as I made my way to my chair.

With it's velvet lining and oak edges, it looked more like a throne. I pulled it away from the table and cautiously sat. I had a feeling the Ferret had something was up to no good.

My suspicions were confirmed when he spoke again. "So, how are you enjoying your room?"

I didn't like his smirk one bit, but replied with a smirk of my own. "Just fine, thanks for asking. "

His smirk fell for a moment as he tried to understand my expression. But it was immediately replaced by a sneer.

I changed my face to mirror his. He was about to speak again when Lucius and Narcissa entered the room.

Arms linked together, they walked toward the table and Narcissa spoke.

"I do hope you'll enjoy your time here. It's been quite a while since there was young female life walking these halls. And I do suppose I miss drinking tea with other women. "

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