Chapter 8

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Malfoy and I had been so engrossed by our conversation that the various clocks had evaded our sight. We hadn't even realized that the sun had gone below the horizon until Lucius and Narcissa walked back into the Manor. 

Draco had just finished telling me about his old crush on Pansy and all the things he did to impress her, when Lucius and Narcissa walked in.

I was half arched over the arm of the chair and Draco was leaned back against his chair while covering his laughter with his hand. Malfoy stood up and greeted his parents while I finished up laughing.

"You know, Narcissa, I had no idea Draco was this fun. If the others Slytherins are like this, I have no doubt I'll fit in. "

Narcissa smiled in acknowledgement to my statement. "If they still get away with their pranks, I think you will fit in perfectly. After all, you were raised with the Weasley twins. "

Malfoy cut in, "Some of those pranks Fred and George pulled on other houses weren't always theirs; we just managed to evade trouble by letting them take the credit. " He looked so proud after he said this.

I'm sure my eyebrows were lifting off of my face, but I still laughed at the idea of Slytherins pulling pranks because it amused me to think of them having pride over pranks. Slytherin had always seemed as though they would take pride in a prank that actually hurt people, but I now see how different it really is.

"So, would you two mind telling me some stories of the Slytherin pranks of your time?"


"Night, Weaslette. "

"Goodnight, Ferret."

The names that had once been used in hatred now had hints of amusement laced into their utterings. I had never thought I'd say 'Ferret' and mean it kindly.

Malfoy and I parted ways at our rooms with our last calls of 'goodnight'.

"Birdie?" I whispered once I had locked the door behind me.

"Birdie is here, Mistress Ginny. "

I sighed in relief and walked over to my bed. "Could you come join me up here Birdie?"

Birdie climbed upon the tall bed and sat next to me. "Is Mistress Ginny be needing something?"

"Not really, but I was just wondering about a few things. "

"Birdie will tell Mistress Ginny anything she wishes to know."

"Do Narcissa or Lucius make a calendar for their events and such?"

"Mistress Cissa sets up all events and places them on her calendar so we can all keep track of things. Master Lucius always talks about how he be needing to know when things happen so he asks Mistress Cissa to make a list of things. "

"Do they put down all their events? Like, even the small things like going to Diagon Alley?"

"Oh yes, Mistress Cissa and Master Lucius always take note of even the smallest of things. "

I thought for a moment, and when I decided what to say, I decided not to dance around it in an attempt to trick Birdie. "Could I see the calendar?"

"Of course Mistress Ginny may see the calendar. Birdie will get it and be right back. "

Birdie disappeared with a pop and re-appeared with another pop, this time with a scroll of parchment in her hands. "Does Mistress Ginny be needing to know of a certain day? "

"Well, I was wondering what day the Malfoys were planning on going to Diagon Alley for school supplies. "

Birdie unrolled the parchment and scanned the page until she found the date she was looking for. "Mistress Cissa has put the day as July 22nd. Is that all Mistress Ginny be needing from the calendar? "

I nodded my head and thanked Birdie as she disappeared with the third pop of the evening and made my way to my desk. I pulled a small roll of parchment from a drawer and grabbed a quill from the cup on the desktop. On the letter I wrote,

Dear Mum,

   I am settling into my new place well; my flat mates are kinder than I originally thought. I am hoping to get my own owl soon, so for now I am using one of my flatmates' owls.
   A rumor that Diagon Alley will be busy on July 22nd has made it's way to my ears, so I hope you can convince the others to evade Diagon that day- I know how they get with their fans. Well, I suppose this letter has served it's purpose.
   If you have been thinking about what you said to me when we parted, I must let you know that I believe some things are better left secret, and I hope you respect my wishes for our shared knowledge of my new position.

Love, Ginny.

I had only sent a letter to Mum once;when I first arrived and wanted to let her know that the Malfoys hadn't murdered me. That letter had been coded as well, even though it has been only a few sentences. I was sure that she had told everyone that I had gone off to play quidditch for some American team and wouldn't be able to write often. With that knowledge in mind, I had tried to make the letter as correct to my well-being as possible without alerting any of the Weasleys that I was at the Malfoys.

I had Birdie give it to one of the family's eagle owls and send it on its way. After changing into my pajamas and bidding good night to Birdie, I slipped into my bed and tried to fall asleep.

Falling asleep had been much easier before the war. Nightmares didn't riddle your mind everytime you slept. I grabbed my wand from the nightstand and cast a spell that caused little balls of light to float around the room like stars. Focusing on them and the stories of Slytherin pranks, I began to get tired.

I fell asleep as the lights started to take a shape that looked suspiciously like the constellation Draco.


Words: 1007

Last Updated: January 6th 2023

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