Chapter 6

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I walked towards Malfoy's door carefully, so as not to step on a creaky board and alert him of my presence. Part of my brain was telling me this was a bad idea while the other said it was a good one.

When I reached the door I pressed my ear to it to see if he was inside. I heard muffled sobs coming from the other side. Whether they were muffled by a pillow or the door, I did not know.

I slid my hand over the knob and slowly turned it, mentally letting out a thankful sigh when I discovered it was unlocked.

I pushed the door open enough to slip my head inside to see where Malfoy was. He was laying on his bed, facing away from where I was. The quiet sobs weren't muffled by anything apparently, it was just the way he cried. Almost as if he had trained himself to hush them.

I slowly made my way into the room, without bothering to close the door, and made my way over to where he was.

When I reached the opposite side of the bed to him, I finally broke my silence. 

"I'm sorry for accusing you at dinner."

His body jolted upright and turned to face me so fast, I would have missed it if I had blinked. His voice was angry and cracked when he spoke.

"What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing? How did you get in my room?"

"I was apologizing, and you left the door unlocked. That's like saying you don't want to be left alone."

His glare at my retort wasn't as threatening as he probably wanted it to be. It's a bit hard to be scary when you still have tear streaks down your face.

"But I truly am sorry for what I said. I had always been told those things- it was how I was raised. You probably don't believe me, and I understand if you don't. It's pretty hard to undo six years of hatred towards each other, but I don't want to yell at my brother every time I see him. Even if you are that brother, I do eventually want to be civil with you. So, what do you say, Malfoy?"

I had said it with as much sincerity as I could muster. But what he said next was not what I was expecting, and he even smiled a bit when he said it.

"I say, half-brother."

Then he rolled over and I took that as my cue to leave.


So.... I've never made this short of a chapter before, but I don't know if I want to keep it like this or change it.

I'm a Malfoy?!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum