Chapter 2: Bonding

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Sven's POV:
First day and 3 hours in I'm already ruining my image as the 3rd in command. I'm so stiff and my brain is screaming from the anxiety. I pause and sigh on my way to my next task. "Why did I accept this promotion? I'm no leader." If I find out they just want me around for my looks a swear I'm gonna... Another sigh. "What's the point?"
I shake my head and pat my cheeks to get myself back to the task. "Just get through the day, Sven. Then you can cry into your pillow tonight. Let's get this file to communications!" My body stiffens up again as I continue down the hall. My mind goes back to those brown eyes. I haven't seen them since that moment in the showers other than in my dreams.
The door to communications is already open but I knock on the frame to be polite "um... B-Burt Curtis?" Shit. I'm more nervous than I was this morning. "I have orders from the Cheif. To give you!"
He turned in his chair and set his coffee by the computer he was at. Staring at me with... it's him! The brown-eyed lad from the shower! "And they are?" He spoke. So his name is Burt.
"Uh... Progress report! On Fredericson's new exhibit." I hand him the file I brought with me.
"Yes, sir." He looks through the file.
I chuckle nervously. "Sir. Yep! That's a thing." If I wasn't having so much trouble with this new job I'd be blushing like an idiot right now. But then...
"Sir?" He gets my attention after I slipped into my head. "I know it's not my place to say, but you should loosen up. These guys won't take a nervous guy seriously. Have a tea or whatever to relax." That smile. His smile is so gentle. He looks so graceful. Wait I'm staring. How long have I been staring?
"Oh... Right." I look away, trying to calm my blushing checks and I clear my throat. I straighten my back but I'm not as stiff as earlier. "Keep up the excellent work, Mr. Curtis! I'll be off." I stop in front of the door before I leave and look back "And uh... Thanks for the advice." Shit, I should've asked him if he'd want to grab coffee sometime! I have access to the schedules. Maybe I should make my coffee break at the same time as his. It's not like I'm abusing my power, I just want to get to know him. Those eyes. That smile. I can't wait to see him again.
Over the next few months, I've made attempts to get to know Burt. I've memorized the way he likes his coffee and we've become good friends, I think. I kept his advice playing in my mind while I worked and learned how to be Cheif. But it was his smile that truly got me through the days on the airship. Burts smile was a rarity and I treasured it every time. I found in his file that he is gay too. But I don't know if he could see me as more.
One day during a secret Cheif lesson with Reginald, I learned that if I was to become the Cheif I wouldn't even be allowed to ask Burt out since he was a Liaison. Even if he is the head of communications. Well, I could give him a promotion but he seems happy in his current position. I was thinking about this a lot as I slowly ate my sandwich on the balcony by security. Why am I still here? Should I just quit? I... I want Burt.
"Sir?"I turn my head, snapping out of my thoughts. Burt! I start to blush.
"Oh, Burt! What are you doing here?" I was shocked to see my crush as if I summoned him with my thoughts, but I was just remembering why I was still here those eyes. I can't get enough of them.
"I was gonna ask you." He looks away and does as well.
"It's... Quite peaceful here." Damnit Brown-eyes. The wind blowing his hair out of his face is making him look hotter than he was before.
"Isn't it dangerous for a leader to be out here alone?"
"I can take care of myself." Should I tell him how I feel?
"Don't leaders eat with the Cheif? How did you even get the job?" I was about to start crying. Cheif. I can't confess. He's a liaison. And someday, I'll be Cheif. Why did I take this job? What does the current chief see in me anyway? "Wait... N-No, I didn't mean it... like..." "I-I'm sorry Sv-Sir." He always calls me sir. Does he see whatever Reginald and Right-Hand sees in me as well? What if...

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