Chapter 4: A little chat

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Svens POV:
It's been over a month now and I haven't had time to find Burt and talk to him. "Miss Cross, can you bring me the engine file?" In walks the second in command, Carol Cross. Honestly, I think she would be a better chief. She's got that stoik charisma and intelligence for the job, but Reginald never asked her. I questioned her about it before and she doesn't even want it. Neither do I, Carol! I look over the file, my eyes wanting to close.
"You didn't sleep again, did you?" She pulls my gaze from the papers.
"I got sleep! One, maybe 2 hours." I look away sheepishly. I have no idea how to build a rocket. It's nothing like a gun. One mistake and thousands of lives can be pointlessly lost. I've been loosing sleep, mostly staying up all night to work. The others around me have noticed. This is stressful. I wish Burt was here.
"Should I fetch someone to bring you another cup?" Carol points at the 3 empty mugs stained with coffee I have in the corner of my desk.
"Yeah. That would be appreciated, thanks." I turn back to work as she takes the empty mugs and leaves. My head slowly falls to the desk.
In my dreams, the Station explodes. Another one, the station lands inside the complex. Another, Burt watches me get shot. Another, Burt gets shot. Someone's tapping my shoulder.

Carols POV:
Sven's gonna keel over if he doesn't take better care of himself. No one can get through to him. But there is a chance. Back on the airship, I've noticed how he grew close to the head of communications, Burt Curtis. If I talk to him, maybe he can convince the new Cheif to get a goodnight's sleep. I knock on a door and open it. "Burt Curtis?"
"What is it, ma'am?" Burt turns his chair.
I hand him a cup of coffee. "I want you to bring this to the Cheif for me." He transforms his monotone Pokerface into one of alarm.
"W-What!? Why me? I'm a liaison! Not an errand boy. Ask someone else." He tries to turn back to his monitor, but I Grab his chair to look him in the eyes. Staring him down 'till he cracks.
"Svensson isn't getting enough sleep. All of us have tried to talk some sense into him but he doesn't listen. I'm hoping that since you guys were friends back on the airship, you might have a better chance." I let him go and hand him the mug.
He sighs and looks away, appearing a little flushed "Fine. I'll try." He takes the mug and heads to the door I came in from.
"And Burt?" I stop him in his tracks and whisper in his ear "I hope you're aware of your position. It's against the rules for someone of your status to get 'romanticly' involved with the Cheif."
He's silent for a moment. "I Know. I'm a liaison; He's the Cheif. The Rule book makes it crystal clear." He walks off with the coffee.

Svens POV:
Someone's tapping my shoulder. "GAAHHH!" I shot up, hyperventilating. Shaking my head, I open my eyes to... "Burt! What are you doing here?"
"I... um." He looks away and sticks out a coffee mug. "Carol asked me to check on you. Is everything alright? Looks like you were having a nightmare."
Cross. "Ugh. Tell her to butt out. I just had a few sleepless nights is all. Building a space station is no rocket science. Heh." Was that the joke? I'm too tired to do comedy right now. Non-the-less, he gives me a chuckle that makes me blush. I try to hide it. I'm the Cheif; he's a liaison.
"I'm glad you're here though. When we got to base, you walked away and I wasn't able to talk to you." I look back at him. "Why did you look sad?" He jolted back when I asked him.
"I don't remember. Probably just in shock with everything that happened on the airship." He turned around. "Anyways, Please get some sleep tonight, pretty boy. I gotta get back to work. See ya."
"Wait, Burt!" I stood up and reached for him but he already left the office. Damnit. I didn't get to ask if he wanted a promotion. Please let me see those gorgeous brown eyes again... Wait, did he just call me "Pretty boy?" I'm blushing like an idiot now. I close my door. I can't let anyone see me like this. Damnit. His voice calling me 'pretty boy' plays on loop in my mind, getting me excited. Damnit. I'm going to bed early tonight.

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