Chapter 2: Reawakening

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Infinite's eyes opened up to meet a bright light shining into his eyes, blinking he gets up to see where he is finding a hospital room. He looked down at his chest to find it bandaged up surprisingly well only feeling pain when touching it. He shuddered at the idea of how his chest looked after the phantom ruby was ripped out of his chest wondering they could see his heart? But before he could continue his thoughts on he was even still alive the door opened to a familiar face.

It was the blue fox he saw glimpses of before still having the same device on his arm. "what was that called? A duel disks?", Infinite thought to himself as his guest took a chair and sat next to him. "Hey are you doing alright after that fall? You were pretty messed up in the chest.", He looked at infinite's chest with a slight worry on his face, "So I thought I would stop by to check up on you! Oh, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Zeppelin what's yours?" He finished off. Infinite gazed at Zeppelin before responding to his question. "My name is infinite." he replied with no energy in his voice. Despite the monotone response Zeppelin was still glad to at least know his name. In response he digs through his pockets to pull out a small rectangular letter case. It was made of leather which had seem a good bit of use, on it was a symbol that resembled a rising bird in the colors of blue with the words "T.D.C". Zeppelin opened up the case to reveal a deck of cards, "So wanna have a quick game of duel monsters to pass the time?" he asked. Infinite was confused by what he was asking.

"What is 'Duel Monsters'?" Infinite replied to Zeppelin's offer. Zeppelin seemed shocked at infinite questioning what Duel Monsters were. "You mean you haven't heard of it" he responded with confusion. Infinite nodded his head which lead Zeppelin leaving the hospital room to fetch something that could supposedly help infinite. While he was gone he left his deck of cards next to him. Infinite picked up the deck to look through it, being met with a dark brown card displaying a name, an image of a creature, stars, a text box, and some numbers. Before he could look closer into the card Zeppelin arrived with 2 other decks of cards. "Time to get you up to speed!" He announced happily.

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