Chapter 3: Learning the basics

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During the duel Zeppelin thought Infinite the basics of the game and how it worked. The main goal of the game was to reduce your opponents life points to 0. Each player starts with 4000 life points which can be reduced by cards. The 3 main cards used are monsters, spells, and traps. Monster cards have attack and defense used to destroy monsters along with reducing the opponent's life points to 0. Each monster has a name, type, and attribute used to have interactions with other monsters and spells and traps. Spells are blue cards that can be activated during the users turn to have different effects. Trap cards have to be set face down but can activated during the opponents turn with a purple color. Infinite had trouble understanding the overload of rules constantly confusing if cards could be used during his turn or if monsters can be summoned with their effects activated.

Eventually, over time he eventually learns through multiple losses as time passes buy in the stale hospital room. Zeppelin couldn't help but still wonder where infinite came from but was glad to see him recover from his injury. At some point infinite manages to get Zeppelins life points down to 2000 but his own were only at 500. The field was clear of any cards meaning that a direct attack could put the game to an end. In infinite's hand he 2 monsters, one level 3 with 1100 attack and a level 5 with 1800 attack, so he chose to summon the level 3 monster in attack position declaring a direct attack on zeppelin to bring him closer to zero! However, it was met with the response of him discarding the level one Kuriboh which allowed him to not take any battle damage. Ending his turn Zeppelin drew a card and set it face down with out a second thought, like it was it was pure instinct driving him. infinite drew for his turn getting a level four monster of blade knight with 1600 attack. It has effect that activated if he had one or less cards in his hand it would gain 400 more attack and prevent flip monster effects if it was the only monster he controlled. Infinite denied to tribute his monster for the level 5 one in his hand since it had higher attack points summoning it to once again declare an attack on the face down monsters.

Zeppelin flipped up the monster to reveal man eater bug which would let him destroy a monster on the field if it was flipped face up meaning that both cards were sent to the graveyard so Infinite's turn ended there. His opponent drew again and summoned out blade knight to finish off the duel and achieve another victory. Infinite felt tired from dueling the entire day but still wanted to do more. "Say Infinite. Do you have a place to stay once you get better?" asked Zeppelin while putting away the cards. "No", he responded bluntly. "Well I could let you crash at my place for a while. What do you say?" Zeppelin offered happily. Infinite nodded his head in acceptance having no other real option of what to do after leaving. Zeppelin said his goodbyes to infinite as the night settled in. During his the quiet hours infinite thought about the things he did back during the war with the resistance. Before in null space he felt that his only fate was to suffer for those crimes but now after meeting Zeppelin those thoughts have changed. He treated him not as a weapon or soldier but a person. Those thoughts swirled in his head as his eyes got heavier before being embraced by the sleepiness of the night.

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