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*** 𝕆𝕚, 𝕂𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟! ***

Denki and Kirishima were standing at Questland's entrance, waiting for the others to show up. They had been there for maybe twenty minutes now, and the happy music coming from behind the park's gates was starting to get on Denki's nerves.

"If they don't get here soon, I'm gonna go nuts."

"Same," Kirishima said, and then the silence began again (well, as silent as it could be with the cheerful music playing inside.)

Denki got an idea. "Hey, should I throw a rock at the speaker?"

Kirishima followed Denki's gaze and saw that the speaker was just behind them, where they could easily hit it. "Well, it sounds like a great idea, but do you think we'll get in trouble with the park staff?"

"Nah." Denki picked up the nearest rock and pulled his arm back--

"What the heck are you doing, Kaminari?"


Denki dropped the rock and whirled around. "Hey, I was wondering when you'd get here!"

"You ignored my question." After a pause, Jirou cringed. "This music is terrible."

"I know!" Denki and Kirishima agreed in unison.

"You were trying to throw a rock at the speaker, right?" Jirou asked, twirling her Headphone around her finger. "Well, be my guest. I didn't want to come, anyway."

"Why not?" Kirishima asked, as Denki picked up the rock again.

"This place is for little kids. And the music is awful. And it's loud. And--"

"Okay, I get it," Denki said. "Also, it's not just for little kids. There's lots of roller coasters and stuff. And apparently there's quests you can do to win prizes!'

Jirou raised an eyebrow. "What kind of prizes?"

Hmmm. What had the website said again? Nothing Jirou would be interested in, probably. "Well, there's--"

"Hey. We're still waiting on two people, right?"

Shinsou was walking up to them, looking spectacularly uninterested.

"Hey, Shinsou," Denki said.

"So why did you and Jirou enter the raffle if you didn't want to come?" Kirishima asked.

"Some people in my class told me it was a raffle for a special hero training course," Shinsou said flatly. "Since I don't want to betray their trust, I didn't Brainwash any of them to figure out what was really going on, so here I am. At a children's amusement park."

"It's not just for kids," Denki said again.

"Let's just get this over with. Who're we waiting for?"

"Amajiki-senpai and Monoma." Kirishima grimaced.

"Seriously?!" Jirou exclaimed. "He's coming? That's it, I'm out."

However, she didn't go anywhere. Denki wondered why she was really staying.

"Hey, hey! We're here!" Two people were running up to them, waving wildly-- Togata and Hadou from Class 3-A.

"Hadou-senpai? Togata-senpai? You guys didn't win," Denki said.

"I know, but Tamaki told us that the only way he would go is if I came, and Nejire wanted to come too, so we bought tickets to go with him!" Togata said.

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