Don't ever be sad that you chose him instead

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''So did you really think you could leave again without even saying Hello?'' Cordelia says and you know you could leave and not turn around, not look back and just leave this chapter of your life behind and this time truly never look back but that's your old self. That's not you anymore, you refuse to walk away again and be a victim of your old feelings. Slowly you turn your body around and open your eyes in the process because hearing Cordelia's voice again hurt and as a reflex you had closed your eyes just seconds before. As they open you see her appearance and you are surprised, somewhat shocked because the young woman, the soft headmisstress you have known years ago now looks like a confident, more mature and very strong person. At first you scan her outfit and Cordelia usually wore a lot of basic colors like black or white and plain clothes but today she is wearing a dress with red flowers printed on it. She wears matching earrings and that brings you to her hair. It's still blonde but a slightly darker shade and her hair looks thicker, more healthy and fuller. It's still a little bit curly but it seems like she just styled it hours ago. That's when you look into her face and at first you notice some features like her lips that are a light shade of pink and still years later, despite your life completely changing, despite not knowing anything about Cordelia's current life apart from what the girls told you, you still feel the same feeling in your body of wanting to kiss those lips. As you carry on studying her face you notice the light shade of pink on her cheeks and that her cheekbones still look the same but a bit slimmer. Your eyes slowly travel towards her eyes but you aren't quite ready to look into them yet so you notice the eyebrows that are a bit darker than before and thicker. Her makeup skills seem to have improved a lot because she used to never be fond of makeup and although it's very light it changed a lot about her and she looks quite different. If you could you wish you could hold onto something because you know already that looking into her brown eyes will probably knock you off your feet. Have you ever looked into someone's eyes and thought you could look into that persons soul? That's the feeling you used to get when looking into the blondes eyes it felt like such a strong connection between you two and it didn't need any words. You always knew by looking into her eyes whether she felt distress because of her mother or too much headmistress stuff going on. And she always knew by looking into your eyes how you were feeling that day and as your eyes slowly wander towards hers, you are scared that that bond is gone and that it will be too unfamiliar between you two now. Finally you meet her brown eyes and a little buzz goes through your body and causes you to shiver ever so slightly. As you meet her familiar brown eyes, that at one point of your life became a habit of looking into, you feel the familiar feeling of being under her gaze. It feels like the trust and understanding you once had for each other is still there and the feeling remains just as strong. It seems like this situation, the encounter of Cordelia opening the door, speaking to you and you turning around and your eyes meeting took hours to take place but this whole thing took place in seconds but time feels frozen when you are around Cordelia it always has. Every second her eyes are locked with yours, it feels like she is silently punishing and judging you for leaving which only makes you more angry and frustrated because she is the one who caused you to leave, she was the one not being honest with you and herself. You look down and think of the right words to say but it feels like whatever you will answer will never be a good enough answers and never answer the questions she might have. Cordelia seems more confident her posture is strong and the way she is standing in front of the main door of the academy, she reminds you of the old Cordelia, the leader and the one who would always protect their girls. She seems stronger however, more confident and it kind of dawns on you right there and right then that the only person who could be the Supreme is Cordelia. With Misty sadly passing and failing the seven wonders it only leaves Madison but you haven't seen her yet, it leaves Zoe and Queenie but they surely would have mentioned it and the only one left is Cordelia. By her whole appearance she must be the new supreme and a little smile pops up on your face because you silently always routed for Cordelia ever since they first started talking about who the next Supreme would be. Despite her never believing in herself to be strong enough you knew one day she would make it and lead this Coven the way no one has ever done it before. Whilst you don't know any other Supreme's apart from the Goode's you just know deep down that no other Supreme before could have ever felt the love for their witches the way Cordelia did and still does, she is the most caring and loyal person you have ever met. She would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat if it means keeping any of them safe and that's probably what you admire most about her. Her selflessness, it doesn't matter if it's small things like her doing her rounds every night making sure everyone is in bed or her getting up earlier before anyone else to make the witches breakfast. As all those thoughts rush through your head you don't notice that Cordelia took a step forward and she is now the one observing every single one of your features. She can tell you are still the same person inside despite you changing, the hair, the makeup, the clothes are all different. But she can tell by your eyes that you are still the same kind, funny and genuine person she has known for years at this point. ''Would you like to come inside?'' she asks snapping you out of your thoughts and you look anywhere but her eyes while you think of an excuse any reason you can name so you don't have to face this, your past, the hurt and everything kept deep within you. ''I- um well I was going to- sure'' you stammer and while trying to think of an excuse you realize there is none, there would never be a good enough reason to not go back in and face your past. Deep down you know it's also the fact that you can never deny Cordelia anything. Back when you were at the academy it was little things like going out to buy her favorite ice cream or staying up with her to watch her favorite show but you could never look into her brown eyes and deny her anything. She could literally ask you to sacrifice yourself for whatever reason and die on the spot and you wouldn't even hesitate because that's how things have always been between you two. As she hears your answer she smiles a little and you follow her back inside the place that has brought you both heartache and happiness. 

Cordelia Goode x Reader- InsteadWhere stories live. Discover now