How I thought we would play out- (Last part)

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You wake up the next morning after feeling the bed move and some noises in the room you are in. Your head is pounding and you feel a headache only growing stronger every minute and your throat feeling incredibly dry. With your eyes still closed you try and remember what happened the night before and suddenly electricity shoots through your body after remembering Delia and the kiss and your confession. For a second you fear it was a dream considering you just woke up but as soon as you open your eyes you find yourself in Cordelia's bed and bedroom. The room is filled with light and a small breeze coming in through the open window and you shiver slightly and pull the blanket closer. You scan the room in an effort to find Cordelia and you hear her in the bathroom so you close your eyes a little longer and wait for her to finish. In the end you ended up falling asleep again and Cordelia approached the bed feeling so happy you finally managed to sort things out even if you have both come a long way. She strokes your cheeks in an effort to wake you up but she gasps a little when she feels how warm you are and she feels your forehead. She is concerned and goes downstairs to find a thermometer and get you some water. Once she is back she shakes your shoulders gently and whispers ''Y/N darling wake up for me please'' and from hearing her angelic voice you leave your sweet dreams and open your eyes. ''Hello'' you whisper with a smile but feel the dryness of your throat again. As soon as you see the water you look at it and then Cordelia and she hands it to you. Once the cold water hits your throat it already feels a bit better but not completely yet. ''Let me check your temperature my love I think you might be sick from all that rain last night'' she coos and you hesitantly open your mouth. The beeping only adds more pain to your headache and the supreme's eyes go wide because indeed you have a temperature. ''Is it bad?'' you ask a bit hesitant but she shakes her head and smiles ''Not too bad but you have to stay in bed okay?'' she says and you start pouting. ''But I don't want to, I wanna be with you'' you argue and Cordelia chuckles a little at your behavior. ''Who said I was leaving?'' she says and you look up to meet her brown eyes ''What about classes?'' you ask and she shakes her head a little and replies ''It's Saturday silly''. The two of you spend the rest of the day in each other's arms and everything seems perfect in this moment. Being in her arms feels like no matter what life throws at you and no matter what happens you will always be protected by her and rely on her. But it's likewise even after all these years you would still do anything she would ever ask you to do and you would never hesitate. It feels like your world is complete, resting your head on her chest and listening her heartbeat slow and steady and feeling her chest rise and fall and your head moving along with it. Everything about being in the supreme's embrace feels so powerful and magical at the same time. She seems so strong and you can feel her power radiate from her and she is the resemblance of strength, it makes you feel like you can do anything while just holding her hand or being close to her. It feels like you are in the arms of an angel because Cordelia is so perfect and it still shocks you a little that she could love you after all you are just you and she is so much more and so perfect. After being in each other's arms all day and just cuddling with Cordelia often checking your forehead and temperature and asking if you need anything to be more comfortable but you saying no, you finally sit up although you don't want to let go of her. The supreme also sits up thinking you are feeling worse or something but you just need to get some words off your chest that is all. ''Dee?'' you ask and she takes your hand worried you aren't feeling well ''Yes sweetheart are you alright?'' she asks and you nod but suddenly feel a bit overwhelmed with your feelings for the supreme and you need to get them off your chest. You try and smile but you can feel tears building up. ''Delia I feel like I owe you an apology'' you start and she looks at you a little confused ''We could have had this all along if I didn't leave and I'm sorry'' you say but she is quick to answer ''No my darling I shouldn't have driven you away please don't apologize'' she says and now a tear streams down your cheeks. ''I just love you Dee so much and you are so perfect and it feels so special to be loved by you and be in your arms'' you admit and meet her brown eyes. ''Sweetheart you are perfect to me too'' she says and pulls you closer to her chest. ''I love you'' she whispers. As you lie in her arms again a bit later that night you keep thinking about all those times you dreamt about her lips on yours and you being in her arms. No matter if years ago when you attended the academy and you would daydream in your classes, after leaving and wondering how Cordelia is or the dreams you had about her. But none of those dreams came close to the reality and feeling it in person and you would always go through those years again just for this result and for finally feeling like you belong and for things to feel right. 


A few years later:

''Willow come over to Mommy will you?'' you ask and she peaks around the corner of the living room of the coven and runs into your arms. Seeing your daughter run into your arms feels like the most special feeling ever and never did you imagine your future to be this way. Cordelia and you ended up adopting Willow after getting married and you and Cordelia at first taking care of the academy but after everything being sorted and you teaching at the coven and also the older ones like Queenie and Zoe actually staying and devoting their lives to teaching here, you decided to take the next step. Willow came into your life in the most unexpected moment and although she is neither yours or Cordelia's blood she looks an awful lot like you two combined. She has Delia's brown eyes but your hair color and she is now four years old and as she races towards you and into your arms you can't believe how fast time has passed. ''Come here Willow'' you say and spin her around while she is in your arms. She puts her small hands on your shoulders and asks ''Where is mom?'' and you smile and stroke her hair and reply ''You know mom needs her rest''. After having Willow you and Cordelia decided it's time you try for another baby and this time getting help of magic and after all these years Delia finally managed to get pregnant. She is currently resting upstairs while your other baby girl is on the way but only due in a few months. ''Can we pwease go to mom?'' Willow asks with a pout and you can't deny her that so you set her down, take her hand and the two of you walk up the stairs of the academy and into the bedroom. ''Dee?'' you ask and poke your head through the door and Willow rushing inside. Cordelia sits up after hearing you two and she turns her head with a smile at seeing the two most important people in her life. Willow hugs Cordelia and she strokes her hair gently ''How are you feeling love?'' you ask and stroke her stomach gently ''Good I'm just tired love'' she replies and you sit down in bed with your little family and pull them both closer. ''I love the three of you so much'' you say and Cordelia's chin quivers a little. ''I love you too'' she says holding back the tears and Willow asks ''Mommy why are you crying?'' while stroking her cheeks. Cordelia chuckles and admits ''Mommy just gets a bit emotional because of the pregnancy that's all''. You pull her closer to you and kiss her forehead gently. Sitting there with your little family you often think about what would have happened if Delia chose you in the first place if you still played out like this or what happened if you didn't run back to the coven that one night soaked from all the rain and catching a cold in the process. What would have happened if you never chose her instead? Of course you would never have it any other way than now but still those questions are on your mind and you feel so incredibly lucky to be part of the supreme's life and that over the past few years you have build a life here at the academy with the people close to you. Looking over at Willow cuddling Cordelia and seeing them both so happy and also glancing at Cordelia's belly, you can't wait on this next part of your journey and seeing Cordelia this happy and also your daughter you thank the universe and initially Coco that ended up reuniting you again. You rest your head on Cordelia's shoulder and smile feeling truly happy. 


A/N: Finally the last chapter of this story! I hope you all enjoy💛 at some point I might do another little chapter with Willow, Delia, the reader and the newborn but no promises 😊

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