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(No one's P.O.V)


"Mistakes were made and I'm dearly sorry. I will pass away Gilda, I'm so embarrassed it's giving me a headache."

"Oh Don... Shut up"

Don let out a yelp as Gilda whacked him across his head with one swift movement, he felt like he was going to pass out. "Ow ow ow" he repeatedly stated as he crouched over in pain.

A play was going to happen, and sure, he was happy to be able to help. But he thought he'd be lifting boxes and cleaning, not actually being casted for one of the main protagonists. He'd expect Emma or Ray, even Norman. He didn't even know what play it was going to be.

"We're all theatre kids at heart at least one time in our lifetime Don"

"I'm not a damn theatre kid! I lift, I build little shacks that are pretty mediocre but are safe enough! I can cook, I can gather, I do not act!"

"You've accomplished a lot for being young, what's a little acting?"

She confused him. What had he accomplished? Questioning his sexuality for months and still not knowing an answer? Taking care of kids? That's not what he'd consider being accomplishments.

He was young, crushing and responsible.
That's all he saw."nah, I'm still not cut out for this"

"Well maybe if you dressed right-"
"What's this got to do with the way I dress?"
"You're wearing sunglasses inside, a floral shirt AND tacky shoes at the same time. It speaks for itself. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend."
"Well maybe I don't want a girlfriend and just wanna live my life" he sassily replied.

And continuing his comeback, he questioned once again- "whats theatre got to do with the way I dress? Costumes? I don't understand"
"Don, you're wearing sunglasses inside."
"Pain is temporary, swag is forever"

"What pain?" At this point, Don could never surprise her.
"It's a bit heavy on my eyes, and blinking is starting to become irritating"
"Absolutely NOT"

"What're you fighting over?" It was the man himself, Norman. "And one at a time"

"Gilda was going on about theatre and then just started mentioning what I wear and then she said to take my swaggers off"-

Before Don continued, he needed to make sure he heard what was said correctly. He hoped it was just his imagination "You're what?"

"My swaggers, because I'm swaggers. So they're also swaggers because they're my swaggers."
He was motioning towards his sun glasses. Were they new? Or has he just been hiding them? And they were inside.
"Well yeah, they are pretty swag Don." He smiled towards him. Even if he was avoiding the truth of saying he shouldn't wear sunglasses inside, he didn't want to be that kind of responsible friend. He wanted Don to have his fun.

Gilda wasn't having it though. And we all dread that kind of friend one way or another, but she was only looking out for Don. "Norman, tell him to take them off, he keeps tripping around the place like a madman"
"As long as he's having fun and isn't hurting himself too badly I see no problem, he's old enough to do what he wants. Of course I'll scold him if he breaks a limb or something" Norman has always been a chilled out person, serious when needed but he was honestly a cool person who Don admired.

"Norman you are so so cool holy shit, thank you buddy! You are swag! On my level kind of swag!" And Norman gestured for a hug. It was awkward at first, he was just standing there with arms open.

'This happens too often, I'm left here with my arms open out for a hug and no one joins, please Don just hug me back'. His thoughts of the dread about the embarrassment he would face once again was ringing wildly, this happened so often he's considered just not going out for a hug. But who would he be if he didn't offer a hug at the end of every supportive conversation?

And Don hugged him back.
"Don you're so swag"

'Man if only Emma and Norman were here to witness this. I got hugged back!'

"Hey Norman, can I tell you something?"

"Emma I don't see how this would ever work out" Ray boldly stated while Emma was giggling like an idiot circling him. They were in one of the storage rooms, away from eyes view.

"I think you'd like being in the play Ray" she commented, still inspecting his measurements. She wasn't as skilled as Gilda at this sort of thing, but she could at least measure him. Gilda had requested she take his measurements while she was busy convincing Don to participate as one of the main roles in the play.

"Why can't Don wear a dress as well?"
"Who said he wasn't," she laid out the information flatly, before finishing with something almost sinister "everyone's wearing a dress, except for me though because I'm going to be the hairy beast."

"So...we'll all be in dresses? Including Don and Norman? I'll get to see Don in a dress"
"And Norman"-
"AND Norman" Ray corrected as soon as she said something.

She wishes she hadn't let her thoughts become verbal, because that could've been priceless confrontation that night. Edging him on about the suspicious things he says or leaves out was always the highlight of her night.

"When Ray is sus"-
"THIS is why no one has a technological device! People end up saying things like that."
"What? Sussy"-
"AHHHH shut it! Shut up!"
There was no way she was gonna stop now.

"So, let's say, hypothetically, you were my sussy Baka and"-
"I'm going to punt you."

She shut herself up. Because if he didn't kick her, Don certainly would.

"You're just using pet privileges against me" she sighed dramatically. Don really was like his Dog. Just waiting at his feet every minute and sad when he's not at the orphanage. Every time he goes to town Don practically begs for him to bring him with.
"What dog?"
"I'm going to combust at any given moment Ray."

This chapter was for a good laugh! And I realize that this is mainly about a play and library. The play will be the main event of this story, (unplanned) but it works out! Sorry it's boring, but I wanted to include the main five having as much time together as possible individually, like moments with Emma and Ray alone or Gilda and Emma having a conversation, so you could say the main ship is both a side and main part of this story. Norman doesn't get must time either so I'm happy to be able to include him more now. Now that they all have had individual times together, I feel like I can progress comfortably with the romance. Have a wonderful day/night and I'll see you all in the next chapter! If you decide to stick around.

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