32. Have we met?

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Annie's POV

I sit and admire as she brings in the chords and the melody.

"Are you a fan?" I ask hoping for a yes.

"Erm, yeah he's alright I guess" she says. "Are you?"

How do I even answer that question?

Yeah, I love him and my life ended the minute his did? No, too dramatic.

I love him more than anyone else in the world and would die if I ever did get the chance to meet him? Too obsessed.

The woman is looking at me and I realise how weird I seem, I've been staring into space for the past few minutes thinking.

"Are you okay, dear?" She asks, looking slightly concerned.

"I'm fine" I say. Lies. "It's just that question. Yes I am a fan, a big one. In fact ever since he died I feel like more than just a fan, I feel like I lost a family member." I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"He has always been my biggest inspiration, and sometimes in the past, the only reason I got out of bed on a morning was because he was out there somewhere, and I never wanted to miss any chance to meet him. But now he's gone, I don't have any reason to get out of bed each day. I sit and I wonder why I even bother coming into work, when the only reason I got into music in the first place was him. He inspired me to become a musician and I wanted more than anything to have a chance to be just like him, but I don't feel like that any more, the only music I ever hear any more is his, I can't enjoy it any more, its like it has taken the life out of me."

I gasp in horror as I realise what I have just unloaded onto this stranger. She asked me one simple question and I've just given her all of this in return.

I feel guilty, I've probably put her off and scared her now.

She stands up. I can't look at her, I just turn around and try to contain myself, and stop the tears.

I feel a soft hand on my shoulder.

All of a sudden I feel myself being pulled into a warm hug, and I begin crying uncontrollably.

"Shh, sh, you'll be okay." She whispers.

A few moments go by, and I'm still crying on this perfect stranger. She pulls back.

"Look, you are a beautiful young lady, and I know how much of a hard time you're having right now. But just remember, there are other people who care about you, and there will come a time when you can learn to love someone else, someone who is all yours. Please don't give up on yourself that easy because I know how talented you are. I can hear it in the way you talk so passionately about it. You could become huge, as big as m...ichael. And you could change the world too, and make him proud. Please don't give up, dear. You have so much to give."

I look at her.

I stopped crying a while ago, her wise words have hit me, hard.

I'm speechless.

She's right, I can't give up, but it's hurting me so badly inside. She's standing in front of me with a concerned look, but when I look up at her she gives me a warm up lifting smile.

"Thank you, really, thank you. No one has ever said anything like that to me before."

"You're welcome, but what I say is true, don't give up on yourself that easily. Give the world something to remember you for."

I smile, she's right, I'm wasting my life like this. She's awakened me. I need to thank Michael for what he has given the world, not hate the world for what they didn't give Michael. I need to see the bright side, and do as shes says.

"T-Thank you so much" I say, choked up. "Now can I help you some more with these piano's?" I say, wiping my tears.

"If you don't mind I'll take this one please."

"I'll have it delivered to your house for tomorrow if that's okay" I say.

"Tomorrow's perfect" she beams at me.

"Okay, can I please ask you to come and fill out some information and paperwork?" I ask.

"Of course."

We walk back through to the customer service desk. I fish around for the right sheets and hand them to her.

"Please can you fill in these two sheets and sign this third one" I say. She takes the pen and looks at me in confusion.

"Is there something wrong ma'am?"

"Have we met before?"

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