44. Don't Hesitate to Celebrate

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I'm sorry to anyone who has been reading this in the past, I've been having a tough time fitting in writing and updating with my hectic life, but I've been writing chapters so there is now plenty to upload, so please stay tuned!
Also P.S to anyone who follows me on Instagram I'm unsure whether to continue updating this on there as it seems a little pointless as people will only use one, so I'm going to be updating more on here instead :)
Thank you guys, I love you all!!
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Annie's POV

I follow Janet into a kitchen with a large white circular table in the middle.
"What you like?" She smiles.
"Um, do you have orange juice?" I ask.
"We have everything, Cherie? Could we have two glasses of fresh orange juice in here please darlin?" She says to a middle aged woman with bouncing red hair behind the counter.
"Of course."
We sit down at the table and I see her properly, she's so pretty it's unfair. I envy her fashion choice, she's wearing a bright orange blouse tucked into a pair of tight black jeans, with matching black heels to accompany. She has such prominent cheekbones and eyes just like Michael's. She's even prettier and sweeter in real life.
"So you work in a music shop?" She asks as we sip our drinks.
"Yeah, I've always loved music and a friend of mine got me a job there."
"What kind of music do you like?" She grins.
"I don't mean to sound like some sort of freak fan, but I love any music to do with any member of your family. You all have such talent it's incredible you can just tell that music runs through your veins, I've admired you guys since the beginning."
"Wow, that's made my day girl" she laughs. "Margaret mentioned how much you love my brother, Michael."
"Yeah" I blush and look down. "I know it's silly I've never even met him, and you're his sister it's weird for you to hear this."
"No no, it's fine, at least you're not one of his crazed fans, a "Billie Jean" as we call them." We laugh.
"You actually call them that?" I choke out as I laugh.
"Yeah it's hilarious they just stand outside and come up with ridiculous stories like 'oh Michael, we have five children together, you must come and help me raise them'" Janet mimics as I roar with laughter.
"Some of them even bring their kids with them to make it more realistic, but can you imagine my brother doing something like that? It's unbelievable!"
"No he's far too kind and polite to ever do something like that, as if they ever thought someone would believe stories like that!" I laugh.
"I know right!" Janet agrees.
I look down and my smile fades.
"Are you okay doll?" She asks.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, but does it not bother you talking about him? Because if it does we don't have to talk about him I don't want to upset you in any way like that's the last thing I want to do-"
"Annie, Annie girl slow down a second, it's fine. I prefer to remember the good things about him, celebrate his life" she smiles.
"Yeah, I just miss him a lot. And I must sound so stupid telling you that, you're his sister, I can't imagine what you must feel like."
"It's fine girl, I know you must miss him, what's not to miss about him he was the greatest big brother I could ever wish for." She sighs. "Tell me why you love him so much." Janet requests.
"Wouldn't that be a bit weird for you to hear?"
"Nope, its nice knowing he's loved up there, and it might help you a little bit." "Um, okay. Pfft where do I start, I've always loved music, and it was his I loved the most. I loved the Jackson's as a kid, and I went to see them live once, and I got right to the very front, I think I'm even in one of the photos of the crowd, and I had that moment that pretty much every fan must have, where you think he looks right at you and points or something, and I'll remember that feeling for the rest of my life. My love for him has only grown stronger since, not just for his music, but for him as a person. He was so softly spoken, so kind and always caring for others. He's inspired me in just about every way possible and it would have meant the absolute world to me to have met him just once, to tell him just how important he is to me."
As I finish I realise I've been staring into space during my speech, not looking at Janet, and not noticed the tears in her eyes.
"That was beautiful Annie, girl you got me crying."
"Oh my God I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that."
"Don't be daft, it was a good thing, you really love him don't you?" I nod gently.
"Let's change the topic to something more happy huh?" I ask.
"Good idea. Fancy watching a girly movie with some popcorn?" She asks, back to her bubbly self.
"Sounds perfect."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2015 ⏰

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