chapter 29

750 15 12

A/N : welp we are doing another time skip because we are impatient hoes xoxox ~M

⚠️TW all of them😻⚠️


*september 2021*


the summer holidays were coming to an end and addy was getting ready to go back to school. the school made some special arrangements with her i'm not exactly sure what though.

a few months on since jack died and it sounds disrespectful but life has been better, everyone has been less tense knowing that he won't just show up unexpectedly. it also meant that addy's justice was almost completely restored.

she just seems as if she's getting closer and closer to her old bubbly self everyday. our family had grown close, especially with louis and charlotte practically living at our house now.

speaking of charlotte, she's now 7 months pregnant and we found out we are having a baby girl. the time had flown like crazy, maybe a bit too fast for my liking. i was starting to get stressed at the thought of having so much responsibility.

i took it upon myself to have a gap year to support charlotte and the baby, and to be there for addy too when she needs me. i feel as if they will all still need me there.

louis also took a gap year but isn't sure if he'll go to uni anyway seeing as his career is absolutely skyrocketing.


6th september 2021

today was an overwhelming day, me and charlotte went shopping for a pram and she ended up buying more clothes. we were very fortunate to be able to afford things like this, both our mums and dads helped put money into an account for the baby.

the overwhelming part was that i couldn't focus on anything and thoughts were crowding my head constantly. i tried to control myself from lashing out but something came over me. i can't control it and that makes me even more frustrated because i don't want to take it out on other people but it just happens.

we got back in the house and charlotte could sense i felt tense, she sat next to me on the sofa a nuzzled herself into my side. i kind of just didn't react back. "sam, are you alright?" she asked as she showed her concern.

"i'm fine" i snapped back, she seemed a little startled. "look i'm just trying to hel-" she started.
"ugh i don't give a shit charlotte, we've fucked up so bad. i never wanted this to happen"

"what do you mean?" charlotte was visibly upset at this point.
"i never wanted this baby in the first place now our entire lives revolve around her and she's not even been born, i wanted to be able to live my life, go to uni. but no" my anger had taken control of me and there was nothing i could do to stop it.

"please just stay calm, take deep breaths ok?" she tried her best to help but it didn't work.
"no, just fuck off" i shocked myself, how could i speak like that to her.

"look sam i never wanted this either but we have to live with this now and if you aren't ready to commit to being a dad then maybe you should go and live your life" surly she didn't mean that, i mean that is what i just said but hearing it come from her was different.

"right so you want me to leave you?"
"of course i don't but please be my guest if it's convenient for you" she balled, at this point i just needed space and i didn't know what to do.

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