chapter 44

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A/N: heyyy so updates might be a bit slow as we both have exams coming up! so i'm trying to force myself to study 🥲 (-S) yo it's actually M writing this wow confusing now anyways lol

⚠️T/W: drug abuse, alcohol abuse, seggs, strong language, high people coz like.. south bank 😁⚠️



when i pulled up near southbank, i could hear the normal sound of drum n bass playing through piercingly loud speakers. the sent all sorts of drugs and alcohol filled my nose.
"i need to go find my friends" millie said, "i'll find my own way home just go if you need to".
"ok just be safe!" i raised my voice over the loudness of the place. she looked back at me and rolled her eyes before carrying on walking.

i saw a group of familiar faces, all the guys i started skating with a few years back (minus sam of course). i walk up to them and they all greet me with brotherly hugs, high fives, and all sorts really.

my one mate matt arose from the back of the crowd visibly drunk and his pupils dilated from the drugs. "partridgeeee" he slurred my name, "it's been a while".
"yeah a bit too long how's things" i asked, i mean looking at the state of him it was pretty obvious.
"incredible man! i mean not only am i high on drugs, i'm high on life. how about you? where's your hot shag" oh lord.

"we uh- we aren't really together anymore, on a break yeah" i started to shy-up slightly.
"so she's single?" he smirked.
"mate you can't just go after addy, bro code man" i heard seb call out. i chuckled slightly.

"ok i'm sorry i'm sorry" matt said putting his hands up in defence, "want a smoke?" he asked pulling out a spliff and handing it to me.
"go on then" i replied, taking the ready lit roll from in between his fingers.

i had quite a few puffs but only so i could still function.
"yo yo, louis. isn't that your ex girl?" aidan came up behind me and pointed over my shoulder.
"where? which one?" that sounds slag-ish of me. i lifted my head.
"sully's sister" he nodded pointing one again right at her. she is everywhere i swear.
she stumbled into the place with a large group of people, some of who i recognised.

"dude she looks fucked" aidan laughed.
"ah shit. i might be back, might not be" i told him, standing up as i did so. i turned around to quickly hand the spliff back to matt but i couldn't see him anywhere.

i walked towards where the group addy was with were about to sit down. rookie move of them really. i took a deep breath and approached them.

"louis!" it was charlie, one of the guys addy supposedly slept with... great.
"yeah hi" mumbled back.
"someone seems fucking ecstatic" he announced sarcastically.
"really fucking ecstatic after you fucked my girlfriend" shoved a fake smile at his face.

"look partridge; she's not yours anymore, she won't be yours again. i suggest you get over her" i couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth, the urge to punch him right now was right on the tips of my fingers.

i walked away from him and could feel his eyes burning through the back of my head, that's when i saw addy slumped against a wall singing along to a song and using her beer bottle as a speaker. matt was walking away from her. i pang of jealousy hit my stomach as i knew he was probably flirting.

i went over and sat next to her. she looked at me, "hi" she shouted, you know how you have to talk to someone in their ear at a party when it's loud; it was that sort of tone.
"how much have you had?" i asked.
"oh don't be so softttttt" she dragged out.
"i'm not being soft i just want you to be safe" i said.
"still soft"

she just sat back against the wall again and neither of us said anything, she got passed another beer but i snatched it from her hands and downed it myself; she didn't need anything more.
"what was that for?!" she sounded annoyed at me, rightly so too.
"you're not drinking anymore" i told her.
"you can't do me what to do louis we aren't each other's to worry about anymore"

that hurt coming from her mouth but it's the truth and she's right, but i still want to protect her. that's when she then snatched the spliff i was still holding in my hand closest to her.

"h-" i went to speak but she held her index finger to my lips.
"no, now we are evens" addy smirked, she brought the spliff up to her lips, holding it in between her fingers with messily painted, black nail polish.

i watched as she exhaled and breathed in again as she took the weed away from her mouth. she waited a few seconds, looked at me with yet another mischievous smile and blew the smoke at my face. i kept my mouth closed to let out my coughs, but i couldn't help but look at this girl and feel completely and utterly in love with her still.

she held it out for me to take back and smoke again, i accepted.
i did the same thing as her, "evens" i smirked. she bit her lip; trying to hide a smile.
"i thought you were meant to be here to look after me not join in, that's what you do is it not?" she questioned triumphantly.
i didn't say anything.

we sat there, me taking sips of my drink whilst also keeping an eye on addy to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.
we both looked in the same direction at charlie who was staring at us.
"ads?" i said, she turned her head rapidly to look at me, "kiss me".
addy looked at me in disbelief, she didn't say a word instead just grabbed my face with her cold hands and connected our lips together.

lord did this feel amazing, i didn't expect her to want to kiss me to be honest but i needed to make charlie jealous and i could tell she wanted to as well. before the kiss got too intense i broke away, "cmon let's go" i said standing up and grabbing the bag addy left on the floor.

"but i don't want to go" she whined like a child. i chose to ignore because i didn't know what to say but she still followed me, and probably because i have her bag.

"i'm taking you home" i told the girl.
"no no please i can't, i told mum and dad that i was staying at am and justin's" she informed me whilst still whining.
"you can sleep on my sofa, now let's go" i didn't want to be demanding i just felt something was going to go wrong if we didn't leave now, i wasn't sure what it was though.

we walked a bit further to the car and when we got there i went to open the passenger door for addy, "i can do it myself thanks" she said in a grumpy voice.
"fine, suit yourself" i muttered under my breath.

i started to drive and the radio wasn't on, the car was completely silent apart from the rain that started to suddenly patter onto the windscreen and sunroof. "i like the sound of rain" addy said, welp this was awkward.

"i know, you always told me. especially when you're-"
"going to sleep" we both finished together. i let out a small huff of laughter.

after that, there was more silence until i started to hum and quietly sing the lyrics to part of This Charming Man again hoping she would clock on to what i was doing. "i would go out tonight, but i haven't got a stitch to wear" i sang quietly, "this man said it's gruesome..."
"that someone so handsome should care" she finished along with me, i smiled to myself.

"oh ah!" we shouted like we always used to for a laugh, we both giggled a bit and things sort of fell silent again afterwards.


A/N : rip that pussy😔💔

A/N : rip that pussy😔💔

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