chapter 46

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A/N: still in recovery from the last chapter ngl 😁

⚠️T/W: depression, self-harm, alcoholism, drug abuse, strong language, seggs⚠️



she walked,
and walked.
until i could see her no more.

"this was the last time louis."
those words replayed in my head.
over, and over.

what did she mean?
why was it the last time?

everything went to shit after those nights,
my cocaine venture,
her accidental cheating?

we both fucked up.
but what's happened?

how has everything changed so much?
i thought we were working on ourselves.
for not only our own happiness,
but for our happiness together,
as a couple.
as louis and addy.
childhood sweethearts.

did she hate me?
how else could she do this?
can't she see how much better it was getting?
until.. those nights.

all i want is for her to be happy.
but i know that the way she's going now,
she won't be.

and the sad thing is,
i think she knows it to,
she does.

she just doesn't care?
or she has lost all hope.
she's broken.

i would do anything in the world to take away her pain.

i started pulling my clothes back on, struggling.
i stayed outside of my car however.
i didn't care about the rain.
it felt like it would make no difference,
if the sky was raining or not.
because my eyes already were.

i sat back into the front seat.
i glanced over to the seat nearly expecting her to just be right back there, as if this had gone, well.

but she wasn't there.
and she wasn't in the backseat either.
and she definitely wasn't in my arms.

the last time.
the last time.

"fuck." i ran my fingers through my hair, tears streaming down my face.
"fuck sake!" i said louder now. banging my hands against the steering wheel.

i didn't get angry very often and when i did, it was usually coming from sadness.
"why addy?"
"i love you." i cried.
i didn't know what to do, i was lost. so confused.

then, a knock on my window.
i turned around in a flash, but it wasn't addy.
it was a, policeman, so i rolled down my window.

"excuse me sir we're gonna have to ask you to leave the premises, it is private property and we've received a call saying there's been yelling, coming from here? just the owner is concerned."
the policeman took a closer look at me.

"are you in a fit state to drive sir?"
"wh- yeah, i am."

"ok, sir id like to see your license and i'm going to have to ask you to step out of the car."

"why? what? i didn't do anything." i panicked. i had nearly forgotten about the weed and drinking earlier from the last few events. i can't get arrested, i can't ruin my career.

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