Saturday night lies

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Ray's POV

"O no! O no why is she here right now?! No no no!" I said while I was panicking around the store.

My ex-girlfriend and her husband are about to enter the door and I'm absolutely NOT ready for that. Especially when Henry's here. O god o god.

"Who's here?" Jasper asked.

"My ex-girlfriend!" I said still a little panicking.

I pushed Jasper aside and stand at the counter. I go to stand in front Henry, in the hope she doesn't see him, but I don't really think that helped.

"Ray?!" Lacey said as she entered the store with her husband.

"Heyyy, Laceyyyy" i said between nervous laughs. "Long time no see."

She was looking behind me, properly at Henry.

"Yeahhh. It feels like a little 'family' reunion." She said, impressing the word 'family'.

I gave her a death stare, she gave me one back.

"Family?" Charlotte asked.

I looked a little panicked at Lacey, while she smirked.

"Uhmmm... yeah! She means family as in... uhmm." Shit. I can't get up with an excuse.

Henry, Jasper and Charlotte were eying me suspicious confused.

"Yeah. Me and Ray dated a few years back." Lacey said, looking at the confused kids, but especially at Henry.

"Yeahhhh. In the 'past'. You know what they say. Don't bring up the past." I said, I laughed nervously again.

"Uhmm I'm pretty sure that's not what they saying." I hear Henry behind me say.

Now Lacey's attention was full on Henry.

"Well then your not reading a proverb." I said back.

"Who even reads a proverb book?" Charlotte said. I looked at her and then back at Lacey, who was still full eye on Henry.

Charlotte and Jasper followed her glare towards Henry. And Henry looked at them and then at Lacey. He looked behind him confused and back at us again.

"Uhmmm. Not to be rude or something, but what are you looking at?" Henry asked Lacey, still confused. I looked at Henry and back at Lacey, beginning to panic again.

Her husband, who still haven't said a thing, came to stand next to Lacey and put a hand on her shoulder.

His other hand raised in front of him, ready to shake my hand. "Good evening my man. I'm Roger Reynolds, Lacey's wife." He introduce himself.

I looked at his hand for a moment and back at him. I took his hand and shook it.

"Ray Manchester" I introduced myself back. I was nervous as hell.

"And they are?..." he asked, pointing at the kids.

I looked behind me and back at Roger.

"O yeah. So this is Charlotte... Charlotte." I said, not knowing her last name. She gave me the 'Charlotte look', but I ignored it and walked to Jasper.

"And this weird guy over here is Jasper Dunlop." I said introducing Jasper and waving my hand at him. He smiled at me for knowing his last name. I heard it enough. I can't forget it.

I walker over to where Henry was, ready to introduce him, but I don't really think that's necessary for Lacey. "And this little fella is-"

"Henry Hart" I heard Lacey finish for me. I looked at her with wide eyes.

Henry Danger OneShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz