Candy ball

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Henry's POV

It was a relaxing day today. I was sitting on the couch in the living room, scrolling through Twit Flash and eating some frittles.

There haven't been an emergencies this last few days. And that's good for me. That way I could relax and give myself a little break from non-stop crime fighting and worrying about school and stuff.

Unfortunately, my rest could not last forever as Piper comes through the door. I look annoyed up from my phone to look at Piper. Her eyes were all red and puffy, phone in hand.

My annoyance quickly turns into worry, as I stand up and make my way over to Piper.

"Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked her and led her to the couch and let her sit down. I sit down beside her and look her in the eyes.

I'm not really into Piper her problems, because they're mostly about social media stuff and about someone having more followers than her. But she never comes back crying. That's what made me worry the most.

"Candy ball is next week." She said, still crying.

I was confused by that. What's so bad about that? Apparently, she saw my confusing in my eyes as she started talking again.

"I have nobody to go with!" She explained.

"But what about that Jackson dude? Doesn't he want to go with you?" I asked her.

It's her boyfriend. Why wouldn't he want to go with her?


"He broke up with me!" She cried and put her head in her hands.

"What?! Why would he break up with you?!" I asked, mad and confused.

"Well, he first texted me and I thought that he was gonna ask me out to Candy ball, but instead he broke up with me. He said that he found someone better than me." She said with sadness and shame in her voice.

That son of a...

Anger boiled inside as I heard the words 'better than'. Those two words together are never fun.

I've heard those words often enough.

"By text?! What a coward." Is said rolling my eyes. "Piper, listen. You're going to that ball, okay? I'm gonna help. You're going to that ball and you're gonna look so beautiful that that piece of shit, that they call 'Jackson', will regret that he ever broke up with you." I said serious.

Piper giggled and smiled at me.

"You will help me?" She asked, not fully believing that I wanted to help her.

"Of course I wanna help you and take revenge on 'Jacket'." I said grinning, and pronouncing his 'name' in fake enthusiasm.

Piper let out a little laugh at the nickname I gave him, what caused me to let out a laugh too.

It was still for a moment, when suddenly Piper hugged me.

"Thank you..." I heard her say.

I smiled and hugged back.

"Anytime sis, anytime."

We sat there for a few minutes, just hugging, until I heard my watch beeping, signaling me that there was an emergency.

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