Ghastly Company

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What does it mean to love every part of me?
To love the woman within?
The deep scars and the revolting sides of me?
You're not even close to the beginning of me,
Nor would you ever find the edges of me.
Your thoughts run wild,
As you cast around,
trying to find the end of me.
I'm the big wheel to myself.
I operate my emotions,
I steer my life.
You'll always be the big bad wolf,
Trying to bring my walls down.
You'll always be a lost cause,
constantly crippling inside.
You envy my successes,
You abominate my hard work.
You can never reach the deep parts,
The deep parts of my thoughts.
For you to bring me down,
It'll be like pushing mountains.
Your pathetic lies,
Your delusional opinions,
Your ghastly company,
They all end here.

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