Chapter 12

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Dimentio teleported to the place he assumed L was heading. The Mario Bros house. When he arrived, he saw L on the floor, about to be killed. He lowered himself to the floor, and called out to the Pixl Queen. "Ahahaha, you think I'm just going to let you kill him?"

The Queen snapped her head around. "Ah, the Jester." She laughed. "Here to save your friend? How cute." She turned away from L and headed towards Dimentio.

Mr. L tried picking himself up. Everything hurt. "N-no. Dim" He squeaked out. His thoughts began to rush again. Why is he here? I told Mario to....Mario. Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. He had one job, ONE JOB! Come on, get up, GET UP! 

Dimentio teleported around the room, always making sure to avoid her attacks. He didn't know what his end goal was, but L was there, and he was clearly hurt, so for now he needed to keep Shadoo from killing him. That's all that mattered to him at the moment.

Mr. L eventually gathered enough strength to pick himself up. He hit his head pretty hard, so the world seemed to fade in and out, but that didn't matter. He saw as the Pixl Queen caught Dimentio by the foot and threw him across the room. "Hey! Don't touch him!" L called out, sending a bolt of green electricity at her. She looked back at him. "Ah, I almost forgot about you." She approached him again, causing him to step back and wince in pain. Dimentio looked over at them and quickly teleported himself right in front of L.

"Ah, how noble of you." The Pixl queen chimed, looking at Dimentio. Dimentio glared back, when the door burst open. Suddenly Mario and Luigi came stumbling though. Mr. L's expression quickly turned to shocked, then angry. He glared at Mario. "I gave you one job. ONE JOB! We were given this reset and what do you do? Allow them to come to the exact place we found their bodies!"

Dimentio and Luigi exchanged confused glances, while Mr. L and Mario continued arguing. "I couldn't stop them from coming. They weren't going to just sit by and let you die!" Mario argued. "I ASKED YOU TO DO JUST ONE THING, AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT!"

The Pixl Queen watched as the heroes argued. It was quite funny actually, but she was getting impatient. "Quiet!" She called out. Everyone stopped talking and looked up at her. "That's better." She thrust her hand at Luigi, knocking him against the wall. "Now that you are all here, I'm going end all your games." Mario ran to Luigi's side and helped him up. 

The Pixl queen continued, "With you heroes out of the way, No one will stop me." Luigi looked over at her, fear in his eyes. Mr. L scoffed. "Why don't you just hurry up and use your new Pixl army to kill us?" She laughed in response. "Because Silly, I want to be the one to take down the only people who pose a threat to me."

She scanned around the room. "Now, who to kill first." She smiled. "Eeny, meeny, miny," She looked over to where Dimentio and L were, Dimentio still standing right in front of L.


Mr. L looked down at the ground, just now realizing that this was the very spot where Dimentio's body was last time. The very spot he died in. 

The Pixl Queen took the knife in her hand, and swiftly threw it towards Dimentio. It quickly flew across the room, through the air, heading straight for the Jester. Dimentio's eyes went wide with fear as the blade headed towards him.

No. Not this time. L Thought to himself. Time seemed to slow down around him, as the knife left her hand. He grabbed Dimentio, and quickly turned around so his back was to the Pixl queen instead of Dimentio's front. 

Dimentio met Mr. L's eyes one last time, before the knife flew straight into L's back, stabbing him.  Dimentio's eyes went wide. "L, what did you do?"

Mr. L smiled one last time, before the world went black, Dimentio's voice echoing though his ears as the world faded away. "L!"

It was dark, but It wasn't the Underwhere. No, it was someplace different. Mr. L looked around for something, anything, when a voice boomed. 

"You cannot give up just yet."

 Mr. L frantically looked around, not knowing who that voice belonged to.


In front of him suddenly appeared the button from earlier. The Reset button. He looked down at it. "I'm getting another chance?" He asked no one in particular. He slowly reached his hand towards it, and pressed it.


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