Chapter 13

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Mario watched as the life drained from Mr. L's body. Dimentio, still being held by L, fell to the ground with him. He began shaking. "L?? L!! NO!!" 

Tears formed in Luigi's eyes. The Pixl Queen Laughed. "How brave of him. What's wrong? Miss your friend?" Dimentio glared up at her. "You. Will. PAY FOR THAT." She laughed in response. "Don't worry, you'll join him soon."

She charged towards the Jester. Mario's eyes went wide, when suddenly everyone in that room disappeared. Mario looked around. He was alone. "W-what??" He asked no one in particular.

Mr. L found himself back outside the Mario Bros house. He felt the spot he was stabbed just a minute ago. There was no wound. He quickly looked back inside, and rushed in. "Dim?? Luigi? I'm okay!" He said as he burst in, but only Mario was in there.

"Mr. L?? But you- I saw you- how??" Mario asked. Mr. L looked around. "I think I reset again. You remember what happened, right?" Mario nodded. "I saw you die, then everyone disappeared. " Mr. L nodded. "I saw another button, so I pressed it." Mario cocked his head to the side. "So, you died, then it showed you another button?" Mr. L shrugged. "I guess....which means we get another chance! Come on! We can get it right this time if we hurry!" He said, grabbing Mario. 

Mario yanked his arm away.


 Mr. L looked back at him, a confused expression on his face. "No??" Mario nodded. "What we're doing isn't working. She's to powerful. We can't win. Not when she's like this."

Mr. L looked down. A part of him knew Mario was right. "Well, what can we do then?" Mario looked like he was thinking, before he met Mr. L's eyes. "How far back can we reset?"

"I'm not sure. Do we have control over that?" Mr. L asked. Mario continued. "Well think of it, the first time the button appeared it brought us to right before the Pixl Queen started killing everyone. There has to be a way to control how far back we reset." Mr. L looked down. "Well, how far back will we need to go?" Mario started thinking. "Well, why don't we stop her at the source." "WHAT??" "You heard me. We go all the way back to the Great Pixl war, stop her then, so she doesn't become a problem in the future."

"That's crazy!" Mr. L argued. "How will we even get there and back? And do you expect us to be able to defeat her on our own?" Mario shook his head. "You're right. We need a way to take backup." Mr. L looked down. "Maybe...." Mario looked up at him. "Maybe?" Mr. L sighed. "Dimentio knows how to travel between the game files and stuff, it's how he gets to Deltarune to hang out with Jevil and stuff, so maybe we can get in there, look at our game's file, and with both of our Determination, try to find a way to get us all back that far. It's a long stretch, and it's probably not gonna work, but it's worth a shot." Mario's face lit up.

The two started walking to the woods, where they knew Luigi would be, since this is where he was last time. Mario made sure he was clear on the plan. "So, we get Dimentio, tell him about this weird reset thing, go into the game files, get back to the Great Pixl War, stop the Queen, get back, right? Then how do we make sure we don't mess up time?" Mr. L looked into his eyes. "What" Mario responded. "You know, like in those movies. You can't change the past to much, or you'll mess up the present." Mr. L sighed. "Well, we just have to make sure the guy who defeated her originally still gets credit and takes that book to form the Tribe of Darkness.

The two made there way to Luigi. He was sitting against that same tree, feeling sorry for himself when he spotted Mario and Mr. L. "Mario? What are you doing here?" He asked. Mr. L interrupted, "Never mind that, just wait. Dim should appear any second." A confused expression covered Luigi's face. "What-" Suddenly, Dimentio teleported into view.

"LUIGI! L, Mario, Thank Grambi! Listen, I need you to take me to where you are hiding the Dark Prognosticus." Mr. L grabbed ahold of Dim, trying to calm him down. "Save it, we already have a plan."

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