5. If You Need a Friend

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It was a quiet Wednesday night when he decided to take out Jungkook for dinner. The kid was sending hints on their group chat, saying he's having a hard time during practice because he didn't have that much energy.

But, looking at him now, Jin knows he has been fooled once again. Jungkook remains a picture of good health, not an ounce of muscle was lost in his body from said exhaustion.

But as usual, Jin let's it slide. He does gain some satisfaction is caring for others. And besides, he has another agenda for today.

"So you want Irene noona's number right?" Jungkook guessed as he stuffed another chicken leg in his mouth.

Jin was taken aback. Does this kid have super powers? Can he read minds? How can he know that this is exactly why he gave Jungkook free food?

Whatever, deny, deny, deny.

"Irene noona? Nah, I was just having a free day today and had no one to eat with." He lies.

I mean, it is true that he has a free day, but to say it like that makes his life sound even more miserable.

"Lol don't try me hyung. Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung already talked to me."

"And what, pray tell, did they say to you?"

"To not give you Irene noona's number?" Jungkook shrugs, with the devil's smile on his face.

Jin is stunned. The betrayal! His friends are sending him on wild goose chase for Irene's number.

First, he asked Yoongi. He tried doing it nonchalantly, you know, just casually bringing it up the day after they went drinking. He thought he was being subtle about it, but Yoongi knows him all too well.

"I know I said to find a girlfriend, but I didn't mean Irene noona!"

"C'mon, Yoongichi. I want to see how she's doing. Help you're hyung out!" Jin begs.

"Maybe. If you agree to sing for a song that I wrote?" Yoongi offers, as he stroked his imaginary beard like some villain in a bad Disney movie.

Yoongi has been asking him to sing for a long time now that it has become a running joke between them. However, he also knows that Yoongi is serious, he just never agrees to it.

"Never mind. I'll just ask Namjoon instead." He said, thinking of a plan on how he can ask Namjoon.

The following day, he sent a straightforward message to Namjoon. If being subtle won't do it, then he'll be just blunt and take his chances.


Me: Joon-ah, you busy?

Joon: sorry hyung, it's a no for me

Me: what? I haven't even said anything yet

Joon: Yoongi hyung already warned me. And my answer is no

Me: Why are you guys being like this :(((( I just wanted to see how she's doing, man!

Joon: Nah, consider it as payback for that one time you refused to introduce me to one of your co-stars

Me: but that's like almost five years ago!

Joon: I have an IQ of 148 hyung, I never forget 😤

And that was what led me to this day, spending my money on a bottomless pit like JK just to get a girl's number.

Sigh, he has never worked so hard for something before, Jin thought sarcastically.

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