4 - Women - You are to blame

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Women - You are to blame

Dedicated to all women victims. You are not to be blamed and no need for shame.

Get married,
Be obedient.
Don't worry
About boys behind,
He will protect,
But he left
The morphed figure
Covered in scars.

Cover your face
And your body,
Don't entice,
Purdah will protect.
But it failed
By kindling the desire
Of unwanted attention
To the mysterious one,
Hidden like a treasure.

Speak not
Lest your voice enchant,
Show not your eyes
That pulls like magnet.
Saree is seductive,
Kurta is cute,
You are to blame
For being beautiful.

Boring if silent,
Too much if you talk,
Why not say,
Don't exist?

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