Chapas Crush

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We were all at Nacho Ball, in the garbage cans, where our criminal put us in. JUST GREAT

The robber was trying to tell the working lady what to do, and she was crying because the robber was screaming at him. LITERALLY STOP-

"Ok, we might need to take the 'L' in this one" said Cap

The robber turned around

"Which is what I would say if we didn't have a secret weapon, about to bust through that window! AWOL NOW!" said Cap

AWOL screamed got stuck in front of the glass, bruh-

"Ow!" AWOL said

"What the- What happened to you?" asked Cap

"There was a butterfly on the roof, and then I got scared, and then I got tangled up in this rope, and could someone please help me?!" asked AWOL

"Why are you scared of butterflies?" asked Cap


"Whatever just teleport out of there!" said Cap

"I can't teleport unless my arms are free" said AWOL

"Daaaaahhhhhh! Okay! Greeeaaaat!" said Cap

"AWOL is bouncing into A WALL, ShoutOuts mouth is covered up, along with Y/n, which is kind of nice actually" said Cap and ShoutOut muffled a 'Hey!'

"And Brainstorm is taking a much needed nap!" said Cap

"I'm awake! But I'm blind! I can't see!" said Brainstorm

"Just relax, you're just blindfolded!" said Cap

"Curse you faaaate!" said Brainstorm 

"Over to youuuu Volt!" said Cap, and Volt was just staring somewhere not moving

"Your hands are free, and you can zap that guy with your electricity so, go ahead" said Cap

"Did anybody else notice how blue the sky is today?" asked Volt

"Of course we noticed, it rained yesterday, it's gorgeous, NOW ZAP HIM!" said Cap 

"He's gettin' away, VOLT, ZAP HIM!" said Cap

"Okay, that's my robbery, I want say thank you to the close Nacho Ball" said the robber

"ZZZAP HIM!" said Cap

"Lotta people say you're trash, but you've been a great place to rob" said the robber


"Have a lovely afternoon" said the robber, and left

"Ah, you too!" said Volt

Wait, did I hear her correctly? SHE SAID THAT?

I quickly put my finger on my friendship bracelet, and asked her 'Are you okay?' in her mind, the bracelet can do that, you can just think about the question or comment, place your finger on the bracelet, say what you gotta say, and it can transfer it into the other persons mind

"What's wrong with you?! You let him get away!" said Cap

And there is another problem, SHE DIDN'T EVEN CARE TO LOOK AT MY MESSAGE, seriously, what is wrong with her?

"There's no way he's coming' back-- oh, he's back!" said Cap

"I forgot hot sauce!" said Baghead, get it, because there is a bad on his head?

"The coveted second chance! This almost never happens! Zap him, Volt!" said Cap

"Does anybody want to go for a walk in the park later? Maybe do some painting?" said Volt

What Is This Feeling? (Chapa X Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now