Niall Imagine

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You woke up feeling sick to your stomach. Niall had his arm gripped firmly around you, and you needed you get up. You looked at the clock-4am. Great. You tried to get out of Niall's grip but be moaned pulling you closer to him. "Niall!" You whispered trying to pry his hand off. "Babe, what the heck are you doing?!" Niall said sitting up. You flung the sheets off of you sprinting for the bathroom. You kneeled down next to the toilet seat vomiting up your dinner. Niall came into the bathroom putting your hair up. "You alright hun?" He said sitting down behind you. "Mhm. Go back to bed, this is gross." You said. "Nope nope. Not until my princess is feeling better." "Niall I'm ser-" You stopped, leaning over the toilet vomiting again. Niall got up going to the closet and getting a washcloth. He got it wet with cold water. "Thanks Ni." You said trying to grab it from him. "No." He stated simply wiping your forehead off then mouth. You smiled. "I love you." "Love you more" He teased. He bent down grabbing the trash can next to the toilet and sitting it by the bed. Then coming back and picking you up gently. He laid you down in bed crawling in next to you. He wrapped his arm around you pulling you close to him. You snuggled your neck into his chest. He kissed the top of your head, "Sleep good love." He whispered into your hair.


-Jenaca c; xx

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