Liam Imagine

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You were sleeping next to Liam on the couch, when you felt someone lift you up. You figured it was just Liam carrying you to bed. It was Liam, but he wasnt carrying you to bed. You shot your eyes open when you felt yourself getting soaked. You were laying on your patio out back by yourself. You sat up pushing the soaking hair out of your face. You looked around and ran for the back door. You jerked it open but it was locked. You banged on the door, screaming. You turned back around looking at the ocean waves crashing against the shore over your fence. "LIAM!" you screamed shutting your eyes. You felt two arms wrap around your stomach "yes?" you heard the sweet british accent of Liam say. You swerved around glaring up at him "what the heck!" you yelled over the rain and ocean waves. He smiled at you looking down at your lips. You realized what he wanted, and it was one of the things you wanted to do before you died. Kiss your boyfriend in the rain. He placed his hand slowly on the back of your neck tilting your head up. Your lips met slightly and you pushed your body all the way up against Liam's kissing him. You felt him smile into the kiss and he picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He walked towards the door pulling on it to find it locked. He laughed setting you down, pulling away. "its locked babe." "smooth one Mr.Payne" you laughed rolling your eyes. "it was worth it" he winked. You smiled walking around the front going into the front door. You squeezed out your soaking hair and clothes. Liam came up behind you slamming the door throwing you over his shoulder. He ran up the steps laying you down, and kissing you again. You shoved his chest, "you scared me!" you laughed. He smirked laying down next to you staring at you. "How am i so lucky?" he said rubbing his thumb on your cheek. You blushed closing your eyes. He kissed your nose and you snuggled into his chest falling asleep. ♥


-Jenaca c; xx

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