Liam Imagine

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Warning, kind of sad.


You and your boyfriend, Liam Payne, were on your way to dinner. Liam had reserved a table and you were running late. You started to tense up because he was driving fast and speeding around corners. "Li, can you please slow down?" you asked shifting in your seat. "its fine, babe." he smiled taking your hand. You got onto the freeway and he sped up more. "LIAM! PLEASE!" you yelled staring at him. He looked over at you, "honey please calm down. Your going to be fine, there isnt even anybody real-" "LIAM!" you screamed. His head shot to the road and a semi was going in the wrong lane towards you guys. Liam swerved trying to dodge the semi but only making it worse. The car hit the side of the tire making the car flip, Liam threw his arm across you holding you back. The car flipped over the edge of the road sending you both down a hill. The car stopped at the end of the hill on its hood.

*Liam's POV*

It was silent. The car was hissing and i tryed to move my arm that was layed across y/n. I dont even know where we are, but we just got in a huge wreck and its all my fault. "y/n?" i whispered. But i didnt get a response. Please dont be dead, i mumbled to myself. I looked over seeing the door open and climbed out. Oh my god...i thought looking up the hill and at the upside down car. I had blood running down my cheek and my leg was killing me. I limped over to y/n's side, i pulled on her door and it fell off landing on the ground. I un-did her seatbelt pulling her out and laying her on the ground. Her face was bleeding really bad and there was a big bruise across her chest. I looked away holding back my tears. "dangit!" i yelled. She wasnt awake. I leaned down putting my ear to her chest and fingers on her neck listening for her heartbeat. She had one, thank god. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket which was now cracked and not working. I picked y/n up carrying her in my arms and walking up the hill, looking for help. The semi driver was out of his truck walking towards the hill. Once he saw me his face dropped and he ran towards us. "are you guys okay?! Do you need me to call an ambulance?" he studdered. "yeah my phones broken, she has a heartbeat but is hurt really bad." i said looking down at her.


Part two?(:

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