Chapter 2: Feelings

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Oh no I think I have a crush. We finish unpacking and I take off my shoes and plop myself on my bed, I scroll through Instagram and I hear the bathroom door open and see Lindsey walk out. She comes over and sits next to me and says "So, what's up, do you have a boyfriend?" I reply with "No, I actually play for the other team" We both laugh. Oh my goodness, her laugh, it's so cute and perfect and just everything. I ask her if she wants to watch a movie and she says yes so I turn on Star Wars because that's one of my favorites. I feel her start to inch towards me and I start freaking out, was that on purpose or was she just falling off the bed? I look out of the corner of my eye and I see her staring at me, I look over and her cheeks turn bright red. "You like what you see?" I ask and she responds with "Yes actually I do." I smile and blush like a crazy person. I finally let my guard go down and get comfortable next to her. I lay down and really start to watch the movie now that I am calm. A few hours goes by and Star Wars finishes and I look at the time and it is already 5pm, dinner is at 6. We're doing a film review after dinner so we have a busy night ahead. I tell Lindsey the time and we decide to start getting ready to head downstairs. I put on my USWNT jacket and a pair of Nike joggers, Lindsey does the same. We get downstairs and dismantle into our groups for dinner. I sit next to Jane with Lindsey across from me and Sonnett next to her. Dinner tonight is salmon and vegetables, not my favorite but it was good. After dinner we watch film on some of the teams we may face this year and talk about what is to come. Vlatko tells us his expectations for this year and what he wants us to start focusing on. Day 1 of camp is tomorrow so we head back to the room around 9:30 to mentally and physically prepare ourselves. Fitness testing is tomorrow so I take my shower and drink some water then lay in my bed and wait for Lindsey to get done showering.  She comes out in some sweatpants and a sports bra, god she's cute. She lays on the end of my bed and we start talking about how nervous we are for tomorrow, we didn't realize it but we had talked for nearly an hour and it was already 11:00, we had to be up at 6 for an 8:30 training session. I tell Lindsey goodnight and close my eyes, I have a big day tomorrow.

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