Chapter 6: A kobold and an egg (Lemon)

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Sam awoke to find a ceiling that wasn't his room. He felt something soft on his chest and arm. He looks down to find... Mary laying on his chest. He looked to his left and found Cathyl and Melody snuggled up to his arms. "You seem awfully calm for someone who's one move away from death," Annabelle said nearly scaring Sam. "Please help me, Annabelle, I'll do anything" Sam pleaded. "Anything you say, well then how about 24 hours of alone time with you," Annabelle said. Sam vigorously nodded his head. Annabelle picked up both Mary and Melody and placed them on another bed. She picked up something out of view and walked up to Sam. She grabbed ahold of Sam's collar and swapped him out with a large pillow. Sam got to his feet and calmed down. He noticed his face on the pillow. "Is that a body pillow of me?" he asked Annabelle. "Yes it is, It's you naked with a dick big enough to please a centaur, Anansi said it's accurate to the real thing," Annabelle said getting closer to Sam. "Who'd she make it for," Sam asked assuming Annabelle took it from Anansi. Annabelle pointed to Cerena who was just getting up. "Annabelle how about I take you, girls, on a picnic at my house tomorrow, It'll be a good chance to meet the others," Sam said. "Sure, but you're making to food, and it better be good, or else I'm telling Cerena you saw the pillow" She warned. "Sam, what are you doing here so early," Cerena asked. "I had a nightmare and teleported here, it was a complete accident" Sam explained. "Well it's a good thing you're here, I need help getting a few things, so you can help me" She nervously. Cerena walked outside and Sam followed. They walked down the road until Sam heard a voice calling out. "Is someone there, could you help me please?" the voice said. Sam walked to the edge and jumped down. Cerena walked to the edge and looked down. She saw Sam talking to a girl with ears and a tail. She appeared to be holding a large egg. Sam touched the egg and vanished with it. An hour passed and Sam appeared covered in slime. He put his hand out for her to grab, she reluctantly touched it and she was pulled close to Sam before he jumped up and over Cerena, landing behind her. "Cerena this is Polt, Polt this is Cerena" Sam introduced them while still holding her in his arms. "Cerena could you let Polt on your back, for me," Sam asked. Cerena hesitantly nodded. Sam gently set Polt on Cerena's back and walked in front of Cerena and kissed her on the lips. "Remind me to thank you later, I know how much a person riding on your back means, I promise to make it up to you later" Sam whispered in her ear. He began walking as Cerena followed. "Polt, I'm curious how did you end up down there" Cerena asked. "Well I was on a jog to Sam's house since he's my new host when I sprained my ankle on the edge and fell, I woke up and found the egg next to me, I called out for help and found you two" Polt explained. "Sam, how did you end up getting covered in slime," Cerena asked. "Let's just say the egg came alive," Sam said as he shuddered.

(Quick update, I'm making another book where the mc owns black lotus ranch, Sam does not own it, it was a reference to the book I'm making)


Sam appeared in his front yard with the egg. He heard a crack and looked at the egg. Suddenly part of the shell fell to the ground and a slime hung over the side of the shell. Sam walked up to the slime and poked her cheek. The egg fell on top of Sam, knocking him to the ground with a thud. The slime girl awoke and slowly started engulfing Sam with her and the egg white. The egg white closed around them and hardened into a shell. Sam's pants were pulled off him before he could comprehend what was going on. "Mate...mate with Sam" the slime girl spoke. The slime girl scooped up some of the egg white and absorbed it. She pressed her lips against Sam's. Sam hesitantly let her have access to his mouth. He swallowed something that tasted like an egg, suddenly he felt his body heat up and his member hardens to the point it hurt. Sam felt the girl envelop his member with her slime. The pleasure was great, he looked down and saw the slime around his member rhythmically twitch. "I'm gonna" Sam didn't get to finish his sentence as her released into the slime girl. The slime girl let out a loud moan as Sam's cum filled her. The cum inside the girl slowly disappeared. Suddenly Sam felt twitching around his member as the girl started again. A few minutes later and Sam released inside her again. After Sam's member softened the slime girl fell asleep. A crack was heard as Sam was yanked from under the slime's grasp. Sam landed on the ground and he sat up. He shook his head to get any egg white out of his hair. Sam stood up and pulled up his pants. He looked to see Tio and Zombina with a red face and a look of shock. A smirk appeared on Zombina's face as she walked up to Sam. "I want you to put a baby in me with your giant cock" she whispered in his ear. In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

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