Chapter 15: alluring flowers, a royal insect and her guard.

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Beth opened the front door.

Smith: hello Beth, honey feeling better. I need someone to sign this so they build.

Beth took the clipboard and sighed it. She handed it back to Smith. Beth nodded to answer her question.

Smith: you got the go ahead boys. Try not to make too much noise, the owner is ill.

Several men in construction uniforms made their way out back. They brought large glass panels and metal poles.

Beth: if I may ask, what are they building.

Smith: a greenhouse, one of the new girls is a Alraune. It's for her and the others during the winter months.

Beth: I see, and who are the others.

Beth said turning her attention back to Smith.

Smith: a honey bee princess and a hornet guard. The hornet was put into that position by the honey bee queen.

Smith said following Beth in the house. She opened the door to see Sam reading a book in bed. Smith walked up to him and hugged him, putting his face in her breasts.

Smith: good to see you're better, I have a surprise for tonight if you're up to it.

Smith stood up straight and kissed him on the cheek.

Smith: if you could, in a few minutes would you go to the new greenhouse. I just brought three girls for you, they need to know that an issue they have won't come.

Sam slowly got out of bed. He unsteadily followed her out back. Sam looked at the greenhouse. He tapped Smith's shoulder.

Smith: something the matter.

Sam nodded, he pointed to his throat and shook his head.

Smith: you can't talk.

Smith asked and Sam nodded. Smith sighed, Sam kissed her passionately. He broke the kiss and bowed.

Smith: it's alright, I'm just a little mad that I didn't know sooner. Now Flora's species can release a sweet smelling scent to attract men, please don't try something. They may or may not be doing something as we speak so please look away if they are.

Smith said opening the door. It was warm inside the greenhouse and smelled sweet. Two girls were buzzing around smelling flowers. They stopped and flew to Sam and Smith.

Smith:  hello Beatrice, hello Vespa. This is Sam, you'll have to excuse him right now he lost his voice.

Sam gently took Beatrice's hand and kissed it. He backed up and bowed.

Vespa: a proper gester, but please don't touch my princesses hand without her permission.

Beatrice: it's okay Vespa, I'm sure he meant well.

Sam tapped Smith's shoulder and pointed to Beatrice then the ground. Smith looked at him in confusion.

Beatrice: why is royalty away from her mother. Well when a princess reaches adulthood they leave the hive in search of a man to start one of their own.

Sam nodded and pointed to Vespa.

Beatrice: Vespa's hive attacked my mother's, the workers tamed them and had Vespa be my personal guard.

Sam nodded, an idea popped in his Head. He pulled out his phone and started typing. Once he was done he held it out for Beatrice to read.

Beatrice: "I know this might be personal but can you produce honey. And does your sting have the same effect as Vespa's, I know two girls who would love to meet you". I suppose I can produce honey, and no my sting doesn't have the same effect as Vespa's.

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