Chapter Three - A Plot Discovered

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Kaya was still sitting at the table. Grandmother had left some time ago and Rina had already cleared the table and cleaned up. Nivar was gone as well.

Marriage? She was too young. Even her parents had only wed in their early twenties. And she had not heard of the royalty wedding before their ascendant age of 20. Why had the Queen agreed to this?

"Lady Kaya?" Rina is standing in the doorway. "May I take you to your room? I have gotten the bath ready for you. Mistress Heema suggested you bathe before you sleep tonight."

"Is she always like that?" Kaya said before she could stop herself. Rina frowned.

"Mistress Heema does what is best for her family and her staff. Always. Besides, it cannot be horrible being told you will marry a prince and live in the palace," she said stiffly. "I will await your presence upstairs." With that, Rina turned on her heels and walked away.

Loyal staff. Kaya had to admire her grandmother for that. There had to be some reason they lived out of town and seemed so eager to please her. Maybe she wasn't so bad. Kaya sighed. Maybe it did not matter. She wouldn't be living here for long anyway.

She stepped out of the dining room and glanced at the library across the courtyard. Any newly formed dreams of spending time there or building up the garden and her relationship with Grandmother over time were dashed. It would be better if she did not get too attached.

Kaya went up to her bedroom. There was an attached washroom where a bucket waited for her. Rina moved forward; her hands were outstretched to remove Kaya's shawl. "I can do it, Rina. You may leave. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

"Fine," Rina said with a shrug. "You don't have to be so melancholic. You're not enjoying it here, and now you'll be gone and back where you belong." Kaya raised an eyebrow.

"That's the most directly anyone has spoken to me since I arrived."

"Get used to it. Mistress Heema loves me. You'll be leaving soon. I don't see any need to appease you."

Kaya laughed although the words stung. "That is true. But I will be queen one day, you know?"

Rina smiled, but it did not reach her eyes. "I suppose it's important to follow those that will one day hold power. A good lesson to learn."

Kaya frowned. Had she scared the girl? "I won't hold it against you. Just a little joke. Thank you for your honesty. It was quite refreshing."

Rina bowed. "I will see you in the morning, your Highness." Kaya rolled her eyes as the girl walked out. Kids. Kaya bolted the bedroom door after Rina left.

Alone now, she undressed and sat on the stone stool in the washroom and bathed herself. The warm water rolled off her back, soothing the aches and pains from the long journey. The dirt leaving her skin, leaving it fresh. When she re-entered the bedroom, she saw a nightgown on the bed. After putting it on, she fell onto the sheets and wrapped herself in them.

Her mind raced with thoughts of Nivar and the betrothal. She could not wait till Aron arrived tomorrow. She sat up and looked around the room. It was empty. She had not expected to feel so lonely here.

Where was her peace lily? That was the one item she had brought with her. Did Nivar have it? She couldn't lose the lily. She couldn't. Kaya slumped back into the bed.


Sunlight filtered through the shutters and onto Kaya's face. She awoke with a start. In her dreams she had been back home. This bed, this room, this layout. They were all wrong. Kaya sat up and groaned. The sheets were a mess. Evidence of her vivid dreams. She noticed something at the foot of her bed that made her pause.

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