Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in the Unikingdom, the sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, the birds were chirping, and Master Frown was ruining peoples days. While Unikitty was out on her princes duties, she saw Master Frown in the park, he had a stick and was poking at a tree, Unikitty was confused by this then she realized what he was doing. by the time she went to stop Master Frown it was to late, and a bee hive fell on two people having a picnic, the angry bees swarmed and stung everyone till the only people left int he park were Unikitty, who the bees didnt notice, and Master Frown, who was behind the tree laughing his head off. Unikitty growled and flew over to Master Frown. "MASTER FROWN! STOP RUINING PEOPLES NICE DAY AT THE PARK!" Unikitty shouted in her rage form, trying not to set everything on fire. Master Frown stopped laughing and looked at the angry cat. "Well well well, if it isnt princes giggles, come to ruin my fun." Master Frown said with an eye roll. Unikitty could barley control her temper now. "GRRRRRRRR.. MASTER FROWN GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I MAKE YOU! I REALLY DONT WANNA SET THIS PRETTY PARK ON FIRE SO I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULD JUST LEAVE ON YOUR OWN ACCORD!" Master Frown took her words with a grain of salt. "uh huh. and uh, what are you gonna do? blast me away again? cause that is starting to seem like its the ONLY thing you can do. you are just a stupid cat anyways." Unikitty was shocked at his words, and gasped, returning to her pink form for a moment. "Master Frown! i know your a big meanie sometimes but you didnt REALLY mean that did you!?" Master Frown scoffed. "of COURSE i meant it, or else i wouldnt have said it. and ill say it again, your just a no good, overjoyed, stupid cat." Unikitty was hurt by this, but lashed out in retaliation and blasted him back to frown town once again, like she normally has to. after she made sure he was gone, she turned into her sad form and slowly flew back to her castle.

Once she entered Richard came out the floor to tell Unikitty about the things that needed to get done, but he noticed she was blue instead of her normal pink color. "uh, princes are you ok? you look- sadder than normal." Unikitty didnt even stop to look at him, she just kept floating over to her room. "im fine Rick." was all she said, as she went into her room and closed and locked the door behind her. Rick stopped for a moment to think, then sunk down into the floor.

[just a stupid cat.. am i- just a no good overjoyed stupid cat? i think- master frown was right.. i am just a stupid cat..] Unikitty sat in her room and cried on the floor. [IM USELESS!] just then something snapped, Unikitty felt- different. "ohhhhh~ i dont feel to good-" Unikitty curled up in pain, returning to her pink color, she heard a *shink* and looked at her paw, her claws were out. "WH-WHA- I DIDNT DO THAT!" just then the pain became unbearable, something was happening, something was wrong.

Rick was talking to Dr

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Rick was talking to Dr. Fox about unikitty when a loud roar rang out through the entire castle. it was so loud everyone had to cover there ears. "WHAT WAS THAT!?"Dr. Fox and Rick shouted in unison. "I- I dont know! But it sounded REALLY close!" Dr. Fox started to panic, but then Puppycorn ran down into the lab, with Hawkodile. "WHAT WAS THAT SOUND!?" Hawkodile was freaking out. "W-wait- WHERES THE PRINCES!?!" Hawk started lifting stuff and looking under it, trying to find Unikitty. "OH SHOOT! UNIKITTYS MISSING!" Dr. Fox yelled, all her bots started screaming and freaking out. just then there was a loud bang coming from upstairs "THAT WAS UNIKITTY'S ROOM!"Hawks body guard instincts kicked in, as he flew up and over to unikitty's room.  "Time to guard some bodies." Hawk said to himself in a cool tone. just then there was another loud bang on the door. "DONT WORRY PRINCES! IM COMING!" Hawk shouted as he broke down the door, only to find it was pitch black in the room. Hawk shivered as he realized he could see his own breath, just then he bumped into something, furry, cold, and bony. he looked up to see a red glowing dot pointed at him, he backed up and ran out the room in pure terror. only to see a blue clawed paw step out the darkness. "P-P-PRINCES!?"Hawk stumbled as he tried to get up and run away. but he was to scared, seeing the thin, pale, lengthy unikitty slowly emerge from the darkness. he heard a crack as the mutated Unikitty put her face inches away from his.


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