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Yuto went wide eyed as he looked at his sister hearing her speak for the first time in a long time was surprising

"I love u brother.."

He smiled softly and held her hand softly as cars honked behind him and he quickly drove ahead as yugo sat quietly again

Once they were home yugo finished up her hot chocolate and gathered her trash up and getting out the car

"Yugo im going to the store real quick want anything?" He asked

Yugo shook her head closing the door as her brother rolled down the window to the car

"Don't open the door for anyone alright" he said

"O-oki brother" she whispered


All yugo did was nod and he rolled the window back up and drove off as she walked to the front door and unlocked the door

She then walked in shutting the door and locking it before putting her bag on the couch and throwing her trash

The first things she wanted to do was sit down and text yuri of course her brother doesn't know she had his number

Yugo sat down on the couch and brought her phone out looking for yuris contact information and beginning to text him

'Yuri my love how are u?'

'Yugo my love im good and u?'

'Im good love i miss u'

'I miss u too love'

'Yuri i Really want to see u'

'Me too beautiful i want to hold u and cuddle u'

Yugo smiles at that it made her feel happy and want to see him more but after what happened between her brother and him she knew she wouldn't see him any time soon

'Yuri i love u'

'I love u too so wheres ur brother?'


Suddenly there was a knock at the door as she grew a bit scared and walked to the door looking through the spy glass and seeing a lock of yellowish hair

She opened the door a bit as the one on the other side was trying to look in

"C-can i help u?" She asked

"Oh such an angelic voice yes im doing a fundraiser may i ask if u would to buy anything?" The male said

"I-i don't want to.." yugo said on the other side of the door

"Are ur parents here? May i ask them as well?" He asked

"Our parents are dead"

The male looked behind him and saw yuto there holding bags as he looked at him with a look of caution

"Theyre dead?" He asked

"Yes they died in a car accident i take care of my younger sister yugo i presume u go to the leo institute" yuto asked

"I do im doing a fundraiser" he said

"No thxs" he said walking past

He walked in as yugo moved a bit away from the door and he shut it locking it looking at yugo as she looked away

"I told u not to open the door to anyone" he said calmly

"I-im sorry b-brother.." yugo said sadly

Yuto sighed and took his sisters hand gently and stroked it kissing her head softly as she looked up at her brother softly as he had a sad look

"Don't apologize i just worry about u is all" he said softly

Yugos eyes got watery as she hugged her brother crying softly in his chest and he smiled gently holding her close to his chest

"B-brother i-if ur really worried about me.. then will u let me see yuri.. plz.." yugo cried

Yuto looked the other direction holding yugo close as she gasped a bit with tears still going down her cheeks looking at her brother

"Ill think about it" he said averting his eyes

Yugo smiled and leaned up kissing her brothers cheek softly as he looked back at her and smiled gently stroking her cheek

"What u want for dinner" he asked

"Anything is oki brother" she said smiling

Just as he walked in the kitchen his phone rang and he took it out his pocket and walked to a different part of the room putting it to his ear

"Yea" he said holding the phone

Yugo stay quit sitting on the sofa and started reading a book as her brother was on the phone. She heard a little bit here and there and it seemed urgent

"I see Alright then ill see what I can do about it sir" he finally said

Finishing up the phone talk he hung up and sighed holding his face in his hand as yugo looked at her brother

"Brother.." she called out

"Nothing yugo sorry work problems sis ill start dinner now" he said walking in the kitchen

She watched her brother walk in the kitchen as she softly closed the book humming a bit

"Brother is it really work problems" she whispered

**well I'm ending it here hope y'all enjoyed until next time bye**

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