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Yuto stopped at the school getting out his car as he locked the doors quickly walking in. He was guided by the principal to the office where yugo sat and a blond kid he recognized.

He quickly walked to yugo gently holding her hand as she teared up and hugged her brother tightly. He was shocked but he held his sister close and tight.

"Now the matter at hand" the principal began

"So what happened?" He asked sitting by yugo

"Well Sawatari here a student of another school here-"

"The point plz" yuto said holding his sisters hand

"Right well Mr. Sawatari here has done something we don't know to ur sister and she had ran out the school but our school security guard did bring her back" he said softly looking at yuto

Yuto sighed as yugo held her brothers hand tightly feeling safe. Sawatari was just quiet off to the side as her brother looked at the principal.

"Well ill have my sister on online classes only" he said looking at her

"Oki then will she come to school still?" The principal asked

"Only once a week" yuto said clearly out "i don't want this student around my sister and have this happen again"

After that the next day yugo was sitting at her desk in her room her brother made her as she was writing down her work and listening to the teacher on her laptop. Currently her brother was at work, but he left her plenty of money to get food so she didn't starve.

She wrote down her notes smiling feeling much better indoors than out there in the school. Although she would have to go back next week, but it was alright with her.

Right after her online classes she stretched out getting up from her desk walking downstairs. She looked at the time seeing when her brother would be home. Looking through the money her brother gave her she grabbed her phone calling a pizza place.

"Hello can i make a delivery for a deluxe pizza?" She said through the phone

"Alright and anything to drink?"

"Uhm a bottle of water plz" she said looking at her money

"Alright and anything else?"

"A few brownies and that'll be it" she said softly

"Alright give us thirty minutes and ur order will be to u"

"Thx u" she said before hanging up

She sighed a bit before her phone vibrated as she picked it up looking at the message that was sent to her. It was from yuri as she smiled texting him back she really loved him so much. And wished she could see him again Hoping her brother said yes.

"Hey beautiful how are u?"

"Im great yuri im happy u texted me♥️"

"Id always text u my beautiful love😘"

"Oh yuri"

She loved the message he sent her it was really sweet if only she could see him again. She smiled as she received another text message as she blushed madly at it.

"And ur the most beautiful gem to me more precious than anything"

"Yuri ur so important to me too"

"Wish i could see u🥺"

"Aww yuri me too"

At yuris house he smiled he loved texting the love of his life she was everything to him. The first time he met her he feel for her she was like a drug he couldn't get enough of. But then her brother had them move far away separating them cause he apparently couldn't trust him with his sister.

His phone vibrated again as he smiled seeing the text being sent as he thought about what to send back. Something that could make her blush and be all flustered as he thought of something.

"I bet u miss cuddling with me in bed~"


"Oh come on i know u do~"

"> /// <"

Yuri laughed a bit at what she sent it was absolutely adorable and very cute. He saw her send another text as he grew a little bit sad she had to go though he wished he could text her more.

"No worry yuri ill text u again im doing online learning now"

"Oki love can't wait😘"

Yugo giggled to herself as she walked to the door opening it and giving the pizza man her money as she took her pizza and drink thanking him. She then shut the door walking to the table and setting her pizza box down and beginning to eat.

She heard the door unlock as she saw her brother walk in as she rushed to him hugging him. Startled he jumped a bit looking at his sister before smiling.

"How was school?" He asked

"Great i didn't have any problems with the connection" she said smiling

"Thats good" he said before gently moving his sisters hair "looks like its gone"

"Uh-huh.. uhm want some some pizza?" She asked

"Sure I haven't eaten yet" he said walking past to put his bag down

"U-uhm brother a-also uhm.." she began

"He can come" he said


"He can come but only this once" he said

Yugo smiled brightly hugging her brother as he laughed a bit holding her. As much as he hated him he didn't want to see his sister sad again. The two then ate pizza together as they talked together enjoying the time.

Moments after yuris phone rang as he turned from his desk grabbing his phone. He opened it up as he saw a message from yugo and smiled. He could finally see her and he was going to pack up and get ready to see her.

**well I'm ending it here hope yall enjoyed until next time bye**

Your my drug (yugo x yuri) (remake) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora