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A month later and they all made it out the underground shade stares at the test in her clawed hands,why you'd ask its a pregnancy test.
And it was positive...
"Oh fuck how am I going to tell him?"
She always has dreams on starting a family of her own but how will ganz react to it.
Will he hate the idea or be happy about it?
She starts thinking of a plan failing to realize ganz was home.
"How would he react?"he heard her say
He arches and eyebrow to shade's aura sensing that something was wrong.he looks at her hands seeing a stick,he takes the test scaring shade in the process.
"Ahh!ganz you're home early.."she shouts
"Shade,what is this?"
She glups nervously and starts shaking.
"Well,there's something we need to talk about ganz."
He sits on the couch staring in her eyes.
"Do you remember what happened 2 weeks ago?" She questions ganz chuckled seductively at it.
"Of course how can I forget about that?~"
She blushes and gets shy
"Well,uh,you see that stick in your hand?"she asks and he nods looking at it.
"Its has two lines,let me see the box shade." He said
She gets the box and gives it to him.
"Ok,let's see one line for not pregnant two lines - wait a minute...shade."
'Oh lord,here it comes...' She braces herself as ganz stammers.
"This...T-this is THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!"he squealed out jumping off the couch shreaking like a madman.
Shade just sat there with a shocked expression on her face blinking.
'Was that a good reaction?'she thought to herself as ganz came back.
It took a hour and a half for ganz to calm down.
"Ok,I'm calm now shade."he said as he was in a blanket burrito.
"I'm not chasing you through the streets again."she said as she glared down to the swaddled skeleton.
"But I'm happy that we're gonna be parents,also on enjoying the view.~"he purrs out nuzzles her chest.
"Will you stop being a pervert for five seconds?" She asked earning a snort from him.
"Nope." He replied.
She faceplams.
12 weeks later and the stomach shows up and they both agreed to spread the news.
"Sis,what's up?"amaro asks shade
"Brother?"papyrus said.
"Okay,guys do you know why I called you here for?"
Ganz and shade exchange glances as the guests question shade couldn't help to laugh.
"Guys,I'm going to be a mom."she laughs out
"If its a boy I'll name him ganz jr.and if its a girl..."ganz pauses psychotic smile stretched on his face.
"If its a girl...oh god...she'll be beautiful...so much lv to keep her safe."he mumbles out as his lines glowed a neon blue as he laughs evilly.
Shade gets the squirt bottle and sprays him.
"No,bad.bad ganz."
9 months came fast and shade was looking at her stomach seeing a pool of water beneath her meaning one thing...
The baby's coming.
"Ganz,its time"she shouts as she waddles to him.
"Ok,just try to calm down."
They arrive at alphys lab and ganz was shouting for alphys.
"O-oh hi you too I was expecting y-you two-"
"No talk time baby coming!"he shouts.
Undine grabbing a wheelchair putting shade in the chair as she cusses out in the air.
Hours later a baby wail and deep breathing surrounded the room.
"Its a girl!" Undine said with happiness in her voice.
Alphys cleans the baby from shade's blood seeing clearly that she was a skeleton.
Her eyes had tear like pattern but its not dripping all the way down her face.
She opens her eyes before crying again due to the light.
"O-oh dear,I forgot about babies are sensitive to light."alphys said and undine shut off the lights.
The baby's crys turned into whimpers.
"C-can I see her?"shade weakly said.
Alphys gives the baby to her smiling.
"So you're the one who's been kicking me?"
The baby cooed as sleeply yawns shade laughs quietly.
The door opens revealing ganz who stepped in the room.
"Is that?"he asks and shade nods looking content.
"Say hello,to your daughter,daddy"
She hands the baby to ganz and a tiny skeletal hand wrapped on his index finger.
She opens her eyes revealing her eyelights blinking turning them purple.ganz instinctively activate his magic.one locking eyes with the other.she closed her eyes before softly purring.
"Ganz,look!"shade quietly said and points at the window.
Ganz looks and sees an eclipse the baby giggles.the eclipse gave way turning the room bright again.
"Huh,would you look at that and eclipse on her birth."shade tiredly looked at ganz.
"I feel like that was for us as a welcome to life."ganz looked down to the swaddled skeleton who was chewing on his hoodie string.
A week later the others met the new one.
Mettaton interviewed the baby ganz looking at them incredulously (neutral face of displeasure) until the baby flipped off mettaton.
Ganz stone cold face turned into dying of laughter.
"That's my girl,don't mess with her sleeping schedule."he cleared out.
"Ganz,what are you going to name her?"
"I'll name her,Dark."
The baby laughed nuzzles her dads chest.
"She loves it."Shade hugs them both dark squeaks.
Meanwhile in reapertale
Reaper sans walked through the corridor to the throne room.
"You wanted to see me?"he asks.
"Yes,a few days ago i felt a massive energy spike in the mortal realm,the day of the eclipse.it felt like yours but it was stronger.strongest that ive felt in eons.that much power could be dangerous in the wrong hands.
"So your saying,find the source and teach it to control it."reaper said.
"Yes,we're not the only one who wants that power. There's another one that wants that power to destroy."
"Well than,I'll go find that source I hope that I'm not late."
Meanwhile in nightmares castle
"Finally,it has arrived..."he growls out to no one.
He walks to a orb in the reflection seeing dark smiling as ganz was playing with her.
"A worthy heir to help me rule." He chuckles.
A plan begins to form in his head.
"I'll teach you how to be a proper demon,little one."
Back to ganz,shade and dark.
Shade was breastfeeding dark.ganz had a puppy face.
"Can I have some?~" he asks
"Ganz no..." She said.
He whimpers shade sighs.
"Wait till dark's asleep."
Ganz fist bumps the air.
"Pervert." Was all she said dark burps.

history of melancholy ganz (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now