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No one pov)

Today was normal for Bakugo and Midoria, as usual, Midoria would bother Bakugo where ever Bakugo went.

Bakugo never feared ships or humans not even poachers were worth his fear but Midoriya, on the other hand, was all fear, he never wanted Bakugo to leave his sight but because of this fateful day bakugou and Midorya may find love, where they didn't know, was possible.

Bakugo pov)

Why! Why does stupid Deku always have to be near me!? He is so annoying and frustrating!! The moment I leave his sight he goes crazy and will scream for me like he's a lost baby looking for its mother. One of these days I'm
Gonna kill him!

I swam around for a bit enjoying my piece and quiet. I found a spot the was shallow in the water where the sun was hitting it just right with warmth, Iaid on my back enjoying the cold and warmth of sun and water. I looked at my tail glistening in the sun with all its red and oranges, before me and Deku moms were killed by poachers when we were little they were known throughout the whole kingdom for their beautiful tails before our pod abandoned us after their deaths I and Deku became known for our beautiful tails. It is a sad yet happy memory I share with Deku. I closed my eyes going back to concentrate on the head of the sun kissing my tail and the cool water keeping me from being dried out It was nice but that all stopped when I heard Deku call out.


I growled that my peace was now disturbed because I have to go save Deku's ass. I dived down back into deeper areas and sped off to where Deku was calling for help. I popped my head out of the water and could see Deku wrapped in a net "Fuck!"

What do I do? Maybe.....I could slam myself into the ship! If I do it hard enough the ship will topple over and the humans will drown.

I nodded to myself and slammed as hard as I could with as much speed as I could build up "WHAM!!"

The boat started to rock, the humans were freaking out and focusing on not falling into the water. I took this as a chance to jump up and slice the net with my claws,

I landed next to Deku who was on the floor of the ship and began to cut through the net covering him, I kept my guard up and watched the humans around me who hadn't noticed I was there. I looked at Deku and noted I only needed to cut through 10 more loops that wrapped around him. As I was cutting through the last 5 loops I was tackled by a human who had a net over my face.

I hissed and bit sliding my nails across the net but it didn't rip!? "We got another one boss!" I whipped my tail around as hard as I could but more humans ran over and held me down, their so-called boss had grey baby blue hair and a bunch of dry irritated skin. "Hoist them up and sail back to the doc" I looked at Deku and he cried, we can't end up like our moms!!

I and Deku were hanging by the end of our tail in the hot sun we were growing tired from our attempts of escape. After what felt like hours they loaded us up and dumped us into a tank, Deku had his cave and I had mine. Humans would come and go leaving trash on the ground, we even see dead mers being dragged out probably to never be seen again. This is it for us is what a weak mer would say I'll find a way to escape!

(Weeks later)

(I hope you liked this chapter I am in the process of fixing and rewrite things so please be patient! And I hope you enjoyed it)

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