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I loaded him up and we took off, while on the way to the center Midoria started to chat and we talked the whole way there. I ended up learning about their incident with the poachers, I guess Bakugo was trying to save Midoria but ended up getting hurt and caught in the process. Hopefully, they will be happy here.

Todoroki pov)
Kirishima and I were on our way to Aizawa office to go over what medical needs we need to go over for Bakugou and Midoria. "How are things so far for you todoroki?" Kirishima asked while we were strolling to the office, " with Midoria? Oh well, it's going well for the first day" Kirishima nodded "how about you? Are you handling Bakugou alright?" Kirishima smiled softly "I wouldn't say it's gone too horrible or promising, to be sincere, bakubro is rather loud and has a lot of hostility issues from what I could tell" I nodded " hopefully he will get better" "I hope so" when we eventually arrived at the office I opened the door for Kirishima he thanked me and walked in I fallowed behind and closed the door.

"Good morning Todoroki and Kirishima" we both sat down "morning Mr. Aizawa," we said in unison "so today we are gonna go over what will be checked out on Bakugou and Midoria" we nodded " looks like it will be a normal physical: identifying what species of mermaids they are, check fins, eyesight, hearing, heart, muscle movement, strength, speed and health of bones" normal stuff "yes sir "off you go then"

"BeEp" "Kirishima Bakugou has injured two mermen we need to separate him from the others till further notice"

Kirishima's radio went off, Kirishima looked troubled so he quickly said goodbye and darted. I marvel who was hurt? "BEep" " Todoroki Midoria needs to head to medical center"

Ah shit. I said my goodbyes and left running to Midoria.

Bakugou pov)

Goddam Deku and dumb face wouldn't leave me alone so I slammed my tail against them causing water to push them away and leaving red marks on them. "Go AWAY! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I WARNED YOU!?" "b-but Kachan we just want to get to know each other Denki is a good guy" I snarled again this time ready to slash their fins apart I was about to charge them when a wire was stationed on my neck. When!? I didn't feel any vibration?! I yanked down hard and the rope dug into my gill I was startled from the unexpected shut-off of no air. I swam harder I couldn't breathe grabbed at the rope trying to get it off but it remained tight, I looked around and saw Deku also had a rope on his neck and so did dumb face. It provokes a memory from the other place "kacchan! It's fine look it's just Kirishima! He has the rope on you" I ignored Deku feeling my intuitions kick in,

I swam with so much force when I felt a g pulling me back it was fighting me as a fish caught on a hook, I swam around I saw Deku race to the surface not again he
Will get caught! I swam for him.

Midoria pov)

As soon as kacchan saw the rope on his neck I could see his eyes turn from bright red to dark, he was triggered and began panicking, I had to warn Kirishima kacchan was trying to pull the danger away from him. I raced for the surface and once I broke through the water I spotted Todoroki " what's going on?!" I asked confused "we're
Trying to separate bakugou from you and Denki so he can't further harm you." "I see, Kirishima kacchan eyes have changed he is panicking from the rope" Kirishima gave me a confused look "what do you mean bakugou is swimming up to us right now" I was confused and looked over he was quickly swimming up to me I was about to say something when I was yanked down and pulled away from Todoroki.

"K-Kacchan?!" He is trying to protect me? why does he always push me away then when we're in danger to protect me??


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