2 (4/5/21)

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UA is known as the best Aquarium and rehabilitation center in Japan. They take care of all species of the ocean even mermaids are top on their list! For mermaids and other aquatic life, the team of UA wants to release their animals as much as possible so they don't take away from the ocean but if an animal has some form of injury or birth defects that could cause further harm to its life they will keep it in captivity and show the world how amazing each creature is.

(while reading other fanfiction It inspired me to add some ideas to this story!)

Todoroki pov)
Hello, I'm Todoroki Shoto I work at UA aquarium rehabilitation center. My job is to work with the mermaids sometimes I work with other aquatic animals but I am assigned to work with mermaids, this morning I was notified that there was gonna be a briefing on the new shipment of animals. So now I am driving on my way to the aquarium.

I was on my way to the meeting room and I was surprised to see that I was the first one there, I took my seat and waited for the others to show up.
I heard footsteps and the door handle twisted showing signs that a person was going to walk in. " oh hey Todoroki!" A bubbly spiked redhead came in
"Hello Kirishima, how are you?"
He smiled with his sharp teeth "pretty good so far I can't wait to find out what animals we will get to work with!"
Kirishima smiled and he rubbed the back of his head "that's right you haven't had an animal or mermaid officially assigned to you yet" Kirishima nodded " yeah I'm pretty excited" Kirishima pulled out a chair next to me and as we sat in silence more people started to pour in
The last person to come of course was Aizawa our boss the big boss is Nezu he controls the whole aquarium the second is almight he helps Nezu but also will help Aizawa with the aquarium. " glad to see everyone is here and on time, alright so we were notified that we will be receiving two new mermaids and a few sharks and turtles. Kirishima you will be assigned to your first mermaid of your choosing out of the two since Todoroki already received and released his mermaid" "sweet I finally get a mermaid!!" Kirishima was jumping with joy. "I'm not finished yet.." Aizawa said annoyed "sorry" Kirishima mumbled "as I was saying you get the first pick, todoroki you will get the mermaid Kirishima does not pick of course the rest of you will be assigned to work with your mermaids and the sharks along with the turtles. Any questions?" Kirishima raised his hand "when will we receive the mermaids?" "I'm glad you asked they will be coming in the afternoon, so I want you and Todoroki to go get a start on setting up their tank you will receive information on the mermaid's territory and will be given all materials to set up the tank" everyone nodded and left. How interesting I hope I get an easy mer.

Kirishima pov)
I can't believe I am finally getting my mermaid! I'm so excited! I received a paper listing what the mermaid likes. Okay, so they like seaweed, coral, sand, and cave. Okay sounds easy. I already finished setting up the tank, I looked at the time at 11:54 am looks like I should head to the loading dock, as I was walking Todoroki met up with me halfway "excited?" I asked he nodded. Just when we got there the large box was already unloaded.

Bakugo pov)

I was minding my own business in our stupid filthy tank when a bunch of humans ran into the aquarium they had weird tools in their hands that I recognized. They caught us with the same tools!? Shit! I swam to the cave and hid un denounce to me Deku was in here when he had his cave! "Deku what are you doing in my territory!? You wanna die!?" I growled he backed away "n-no it's not like that Kachan I was just trying t-" I covered his mouth and slammed him against the cave "shh!" I hushed I could hear humans on the top of our platform to the tank.

Before we were brought to this place a few weeks ago I and the nerd were free and living in the ocean but fucking poachers caught Deku and I ended up getting tangled and injured because I was trying to rescue him. We ended up both getting caught and injured and were brought here they barely feed us and our tank is small they also never clean this place so I only assume we could be sick.

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