Vengeance|Peter Pettigrew

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"Bellatrix! Wait!" The boy called after the Slytherin girl. She turns around, sneering as she spots the boy - 5th year, the same year as her blood traitor cousin - running up to her.

"What do you want, Pettigrew is it?"

"I- wanted to- ask you- something-" he gasps out, panting as he's not used to running that fast. Bellatrix raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

Peter looks up, finally regaining his breath, and looks the older girl in the eyes. "Will you go on a date with me?" He boldly asks, plucking up the courage to after months of hopelessly pining.

Bellatrix stares at the boy. Realizing that he must be serious, she bursts out laughing. This attracts the attention of others in the hall, who so very rarely hear the high and mighty Slytherin laugh in amusement. Peter feels his cheeks burn a bright red.

Then, before he can hear Bellatrix's response, he hits the floor.

Awakening with a thud, Peter Pettigrew looks around his bedroom. He grows furious as he remembers what his dream - or rather, memory - was. The day that Bellatrix humiliated him, he swore he'd destroy her.

What better way to destroy her, than to destroy her family? Everyone's got a soft spot for their family right?

Standing up, he looks at the time and realizes that he overslept. He promised he'd meet James, Lily, and Sirius at the Potter house in 30 minutes. He grabs his clothes and a towel and gets in the shower, so he won't smell completely like shit.

"Little Pettigrew, what makes you think you're worthy of me? I am the Queen of Slytherin, and you're just a little boy who follows my blood traitor of a cousin and his stupid little friends." Bellatrix sneers at him. As if she hadn't embarrassed Peter enough, she grabs Rodolphus Lestrange's hand, pulling him into a kiss.

Peter runs away, muttering to himself, "you'll regret this Bellatrix Black. One day, I will hurt you as bad as you've hurt me."

A blast of particularly cold water to the face is enough to snap Peter from his thoughts. He growls as he turns off the water, stepping out of the shower and finishing getting ready.

"Just stick to the plan. After you become the secret keeper, wait a few weeks and tell The Dark Lord," he talks to himself, yanking his sleeve down to ensure that the mark that stains his left arm is completely covered.

The boy grabs his wand and apparates to the Potter house in Godric's Hollow. A knock on the door and he is met with a wand to his face and the question, "what month and year did you ask Bellatrix out on?"

"December 14th, 5th year," he answers and James Potter allows Peter into the house.

"How've you been Peter? Haven't seen you for a while," Lily greets, her face crinkled in a smile.

"Y-Yeah... I've been p-protecting my mother by st-staying in..." He stutters out, placing up his scared act. Lily and James nod in sympathy, understanding how scared Peter must be.

After catching up over a cup of tea, the Potters solidify Peter as their new secret keeper. He bids James and Lily goodnight, knowing that everyone still believes Sirius to be the secret keeper.

Falling into his bed that night with an exhausted sigh, he smiles. "They have no idea what's coming."

And it's true, nobody could have foreseen that Peter would betray the man he'd grown to look up to. But sadly, only weeks later, he stands facing Voldemort.

"You said you have information on the Potter's location?" Voldemort asks, his face as pale as always.

Peter nods, responding quietly, "yes my lord. They have entrusted me as their secret keeper." Voldemort grins a creepy grin, motioning for Peter to continue. "They are living at 3412 in Godric's Hollow," he recites the address. He knows what the consequences will be of giving away James and Lily's location, but it will cause his position in Voldemort's eyes to rise.

With this new knowledge provided, Peter rises to Voldemort's third in command – second only to Bellatrix herself – which instills a feeling of pride in Peter. And weeks later, on October 31st 1981, the Potter's are murdered in their home.

"You!" Sirius yells, cornering Peter in an alley in the early hours of November 1st. Pure rage was visible in the Black's eyes. "You're the reason they're dead!" He rages, raising his wand in front of the 12 muggles there.

"Oh Sirius. Have fun in Azkaban," Peter taunts, before he explodes the walls around them. He takes the split second distraction to slice his finger off and transform into a Rat, scuttling to the gutters.

He watches as Sirius is taken away, screaming the entire time. Black in Azkaban, the Potter's dead, everything is going just as planned. With his luck, when Voldemort returns Bellatrix will be his third in command and Peter will be his second in command. And if there's one thing that hurts Bellatrix, it's not being Voldemort's right hand man.


Plot idea not originally mine. Plot was given to me after winning a giveaway, and this was the story I came up with. Here's the plot:

During Voldemort's reign, Bellatrix Black was his number one supporter. Peter Pettigrew finds himself falling in love with the coy, cunning, and certain Slytherin. When she rejects him in the most humiliating way possible, Peter works as hard as he can to do her as dirty as she did him, even sacrificing his friends, his reputation, and his finger in the process.

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