My Love, My Life

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"Can I talk to you?" I know that's a set of words nobody wants to hear. But I need to ask her because I have to talk to somebody. And she's the only one who'd understand. My sister? She'd give me advice I can't follow. Holland? Well, he's clueless. Danny? I'm not close enough to him. That leaves Sydney. My cousin, but also my everlasting support system. I came out to her before anyone else. I tell her everything.

"Of course! Come come come!" She beckons me forward, making space on her bed. I shut the door behind me and take a seat. I can't help the smile that forms at her excitement. "What's up, little bro?"

She's my cousin. Sort of. Our parents are best friends so we've grown up around each other. Holl and Syd are twins. Bella's my older sister. That's the last of our blood relations to each other. But we may as well be siblings or cousins because of how close we all are.

"I wanted to talk to you about this guy..." I look down at my lap, fidgeting with the buttons on my shirt.

"Oooh, tell me all about him!" She grins. I think this is the only time I've ever seen Syd act like a boy crazy teen. I'll have to tease her about this later.

"Well, he's kinda my best friend... And really cute..." I watch as her face lights up in recognition.

"MASON?!" I cover her mouth at the speed of light, muffling her exclamation.

"Shhhhh! I don't want everyone knowing!" My face is burning and I'm sure that I'm blushing a bright red. "Everyone knows that Bella would tell him."

Syd nods in agreement but keeps her grin.

"He is really cute, you're not wrong there. But what about him?"

"I kinda like him... Like, like like him... But I'm pretty sure he's straight."

"Then turn him gay Johnny. There's no way he wouldn't fall for you." I roll my eyes, sighing at her response.

"That's easier said than done Syd."

"Just trust me. Tell him how you feel. If he doesn't feel the same, I'll be waiting right here with tissues and ice cream." She laughs and as much as I try not to, a smile forms on my face.

I hug her tightly. "Thank you, Syd."

"Of course, now go make your best friend gay for you!"

And that I tried. My outfits for the next week were, in the words of my parents, Syd, Ashy and Austin (Syd's parents), and Holland, 'gayer than it's ever been'.

I'm still trying to decide if that's a compliment or not.


Currently, Mason and I are vibing in my room, watching movies on Netflix.

"Ugh, I love this movie. But I also hate this movie," I randomly blurted out in the middle of Love, Simon. Mason looked at me with the cutest confused face ever.

His eyes were lit up in amusement as he paused the movie, rolling over to face me. God, I could get lost in his eyes forever. Those gorgeous dark blue orbs that remind me of the ocean, pulling me in and drowning me till I can't see anything but them. And his smile. Don't get me started on his smile. His bright white teeth are such a contrast to his dark skin. But they're like diamonds to me, sparkling in the right light. Everything about his face is perfect. The genuine happiness that makes his dark blue eyes not look such a dark shade anymore, his teeth that remind me of diamonds. And his lips. All I want to do is kiss those lips so badly, to cause them to be all swollen because neither of us could bring ourselves to pull away. To kiss him until I can't breathe and we're panting for air when we finally pull away. I want to see an adorable little delirious smile cover his face because we'd been making out for so long that he can't think straight (or gay for that matter).

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