Please Don't Say Goodbye To Me

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TW for death of characters, suicide, mentions of an eating disorder, mention of a past encounter with sexual assault, and shooting

If I were to list all the things that had happened to the Ramirez twins, you'd probably think that I'm lying. You'd think "there's no way anyone could've been through so much". You'd probably think it's fiction. Technically, it is – that's the whole point of a story – but to these kids? It's as real as you'll get. From becoming distanced from each other, to bullying, to fights, their life may seem like it's just one huge downhill roller coaster. It wasn't always like that though. Their life wasn't always bad. If anything, their life started out like any other kid's.

If you were to ask Ava what her happiest memory was, she'd probably tell you her and her twin brother Austin's 10th birthday. They spent the whole day laughing with each other, chasing each other around the water park their parents took them too. They didn't have a care in the world. Now, if you asked Ava the point where everything started to go downhill, she could describe it to you in detail. That day lives in her mind vividly. The day when, at only 14, she lost the most important people to her. All in their own ways.

"So, what do you guys want to order?" Danny asked his kids.

The youngest, Ash, who's technically a triplet but is the youngest of the triplets, spoke up first. "Grilled cheese!" She grinned. Her brothers nodded in agreement, all wanting the same thing. Ava and Austin each got a simple ham and cheese sandwich.

They were out for lunch while Syd, Danny's wife, was working. Once their food arrived, they were laughing and talking until.. they weren't. Gunshots rang through the air. Without thinking, Ava yanked Ash and Holl under the table with her. Austin did the same, pulling Ted down with him. The twins looked at each other and a moment of understanding passed between them. They had to protect the triplets.

The restaurant was in chaos. People screaming, trying to avoid getting shot. It didn't take long for the FBI to arrive, getting people out quickly. Danny searched the FBI people for one person. God, he hoped she was safe. But luck wasn't on his side. There, running towards him and his kids, was Syd. Of course she's here, she absolutely loves to protect others.

She rushed her family out, getting them to safety. But she wasn't so lucky. Danny was the closest, but Ava could see clearly what happened. She remembers in vivid detail, the bullet colliding with her mom. Hitting her in the chest, just below her heart. She screamed out. She knew in the back of her mind that there was no saving her mom, but still she screamed for somebody to do something. The only person more upset than she, was her dad. Danny knelt beside Syd, begging her to hold on. He tried to stop the bleeding, resulting in his hand slowly turning red as the blood coated it. He too, begged for someone to do something. But it was too late. Ava watched helplessly as her dad failed to save her mom. As the life left Syd's eyes and Danny sat, hugging the body while sobs racked his body.

There you have it. The moment that Ava's life fell apart. To this day, she has nightmares of that day. Two years have passed, and she still can't forget it. Everyone coped with it in their own way. Danny, became depressed. The triplets, cried every night. Austin, well he let the bullies at school get the best of him. He was told on a daily basis, that he was fat and needed to lose weight. To stop eating like a pig. And he listened. But he took things to an extreme. He stopped eating entirely, using excuses to stop eating. And when he did eat, it wasn't much.

And all Ava could do, was to watch helplessly as her family fell apart. She probably took things that hardest. She'd lost the person she was closest to in her life. Even when she grew distant with Austin, Syd had been there for her no matter what. Syd had comforted her the day of that party. The party where she was forced against a wall, groped and assaulted, and she couldn't stop it. That night Syd had comforted her,helped her get to sleep despite everything that had happened. But Ava couldn't do that anymore. She couldn't hug Syd and cry anymore.

So she did what she knew how to do. She shut off, hid her emotions, and took care of her siblings. She made sure everyone – except for Austin – ate, assisting Danny in taking care of them.

Now, she still wouldn't say her life was good. She was bullied heavily in school, and she wanted to give up so many times. But she held on. She held on for one person and one person only. Austin. She didn't want her twin to lose anyone else.

Ask her what the worst day she's ever had was, and she'd respond with no hesitation. She can easily name it. The day when, at 16, she lost the only thing keeping her going. That day broke her. And she could still describe it to you.

"Austin! Austin, dinner's ready! Dad says you need to eat!" She yelled. When she got no response, she went to look for her twin. She searched their room, the basement, everywhere. Until there was only one place left to search.

She made her way up to the attic. Reaching the doorway, she froze. Her brain short circuited and all she could do was scream. There, right in front of her, was the body of her twin, hanging limply. She ran and fought to get him down but she couldn't do anything. She couldn't get the rope undone. Tears streamed down her face as she screamed for help. Danny ran up, and was quick to cut the rope, letting Austin's unconscious body fall to the floor.

Ava sobbed, trying desperately to wake Austin up. She couldn't lose her twin, her reason to stay. He COULDN'T be dead! He just couldn't! Danny called 911, numb with shock. His own child, and he didn't notice anything was wrong.

By the time that the paramedics arrived, Austin had no pulse. He wasn't breathing. He was rushed to the hospital, but there wasn't anything they could do. They were too late.

Ava can still remember vividly. The time, date, and location she heard the worst words of her life.

"I'm sorry. We did everything we could. But he's dead."

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